Chapter 7 II Big Girls Cry

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Chapter 7

At the Lynch's House

Rydel's POV

It's been 2 weeks since we kicked out Ross. 6 weeks, since Ryland's death. The funeral was a week ago and I kinda feel guilty that we didn't invite Ross. I gotta admit, at the beginning I hated Ross for what he caused, but he has to right to say goodbye to his only younger sibling, but now it's too late.  Now that I think about it I have to say that I miss Ross. He always lightened up the house. Especially when he got the giggles. It was always so contagious and then we all started to giggle and we all had an awesome time. It's just so different right now. We lost two brothers in such a short time period and it's just not the same anymore. Sometimes I wish I can just reverse the time to when we went to the beach and change that. Instead of going to the beach we would go to arcade and we would still be a big and happy family. I don't even know where Ross is right now. He could be dead because of the freezing temperatures outside, but he also could have found a residency to live. I have no idea! And this drives me crazy!

Right now I'm on my way upstairs to my room. I need some variety from all of this, so I decided that I'm gonna paint my nails again. I haven't done this in such a long time. I decided that I'm gonna go with a cute black and white polka dot pattern.  


On my way to my room I pass Ross' and Ryland's room. Tears already start to build in my eyes, but I quickly blink them away. I put my hand on the door knob and slowly open the door. Everything is still here. We didn't change anything. It's still the unmade messy room like before. I show a sad smile because of the memories. Ross and Ryland never tidied up their room. It was always the messiest in the whole house. I step further inside and go over to Ross' bed and sit down on the yellow blanket. I take Ryland's red pillow from his bed and cuddle it into my chest. In between their beds is a small commode with lots of pictures. I take one framed picture and look at it. It's from our Louder World Tour, when we were in England. (at the top). I miss these times. Going on tour with my brothers and Ellington and playing shows for our fans. That's not possible anymore because Riker kicked Ross out of the band. My tears drop onto the glass and I wipe them from my eyes with my sleeve. A silhouette passes the open door and comes back when he or she sees me crying in my brother's bedroom. The person comes into the light and I see it's my mom. She places the clothes basket on the floor and comes towards me to sit next to me. She lays her arm around my shoulders and I place my head on her shoulder, while my tears just continue rolling down my cheeks.

Rydel: I miss them so much mom.

Stormie: I know you do, sweetie. Me too.

Rydel: I want my brothers back. I want everything to be like it was before.

Stormie: I know, but you can't change the time. It happened, but you know Ryland will always be with you. In here.

She points her finger towards my chest. To my heart. I show a short smile, then it disappears again.

Rydel: And what about Ross?

Stormie: This is up to you Rydel.

Oh no, she called me Rydel. She only calls me Rydel when I'm in trouble or when she's really serious about something. I didn't do anything wrong, so I guess it's the serious thing.

Stormie: It's your decision, whether you will ever forgive him or not. It's up to you, whether he's still your brother ... or not.

She gives me a kiss on my forehead, then she stands up and goes towards the clothes basket to pick it up. She's about to leave, when I call her back.

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