Chapter 23 II Mad World

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Chapter 23

Rydel's POV

Rydel: ... So ... what do you say?

After I told Rocky the whole situation, he's looking at me with wide eyes and his mouths hangs open. I look confused at him and wave my hand in front of his face to get him out of his trance.

Rydel: Rocky?

When waving doesn't help I start snapping and now he suddenly twitches and blinks his eyes again.

Rocky: ... You're kidding right?

A few laughter escape his mouth and my expression turns form confused to sad and disappointed.

Rydel: ... Do you really think I would make jokes about this kind of situation?

His laughter immediately quiet down and I already feel my tears brim through my eyes.

Rydel: Rocky, do you have any idea how serious this is?! We're talking about a young human's life, for god's sake!

Rocky: I know Rydel. You don't have to freak out so much.

Rydel: I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO FREAK OUT! Rocky, she's my niece and I don't want her to get hurt! How can you be so heartless?!

He stays quiet, as my tears finally roll down my cheeks. Sobs escape my mouth and I see how Rocky is nervously scratching his neck.

Rydel: So please, Rocky. Do us this favor and help us. After all, she's your niece too.

Rocky: ... I ... I don't know.

Rydel: What do you mean "you don't know"?

I look madly at him and he just turns away and walks towards his music station.

Rocky: I'm just not sure if I can play shows again.

Rydel: Why?

Rocky: Rydel, think about it. We all haven't played in such a long time. We would already have to practice a week to put up an average show. And second of all, I don't think I would bring up the same energy again. Rydel, be realistic here.

Rydel: B-but w-we can try. P-please R-rocky. D-don't just walk a-away like t-this. W-we need y-you.

He releases a sigh, before he turns around and walks towards me again. With his thumbs he wipes my tears, but this only causes more tears to escape my eyes.

Rydel: P-please Rocky. ... Then d-don't do it f-for me or R-ross or a-anyone else. ... D-do it for y-your niece. S-she's only an m-month old. She d-didn't do anything.

Rocky closes his eyes and lets out yet another sigh. With patience, I wait for his final response, hoping it will be a positive one and I would not have to be disappointed in my brother.

Rocky: ... I'm sorry Rydel.

He passes me and leaves me alone in his room. I turn towards the now closed door and now I can't hold them back anymore. I fall down onto my knees and let my tears fall free onto the soft carpet, before placing my hands over my face. How can he do this? I thought he would say yes. Rocky was always the one, who would help anyone, no matter who. Where is this Rocky now? I want him back. Please god, let a miracle happen.

Ross' POV

Once again, I'm pacing nervously through the room, driving Rebecca totally crazy. With her knees up to her chest, she's sitting on the couch and watches me almost losing my mind. She tries to distract her with watching some TV, but that's not really helping. I mean, come on. She's watching a happy family movie. This can't be good.

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