Chapter 12 II What Now

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!!!Please Read!!!

hey guys, I'm super super sorry for the really long wait. the thing is, i already now how I'm gonna end this book (This goes for all my unfinished books), which is why it's hard for me to write the beginning and middle part, becasue i had total wirter's block. i just can't wait to write the exciting things till the end, you understand? well, anyway, school starst again for me, so i have to see if i'll be able to update between all my exams etc. i'm trying to update more often, but i can't promise anything. please undertsnad this.

thank you.

alright, you might want to read the chapter before, to remember what actually happened.

have fun


Chapter 12

Rydel's POV

After my encounter and talk with Ross, I really thought he would think about coming home again, but I guess I was wrong. There he goes. With his girlfriend. I have talked to him for 20 minutes and I lost him again. I watch how their silhouettes become smaller and smaller till they're gone. I wipe my wet eyes and make my way home.


?: Hey, Rydel where were you?

I jump because I didn't expect someone to be at home. I thought they were all grocery shopping with mom, but apparently not. I turn towards the voice and now I see my worried big brother looking at me.

Riker: Sorry, did I scare you?

Rydel: Yeah, a little bit.

Riker: Sorry.

Rydel: It's okay.

Riker: So, where were you?

I freeze. Should I tell him that I met Ross and that we've talked? I don't know how he would react. I mean, he was the one who basically shut the door into Ross' face and who told him to not come home anymore. Maybe I should just tell him a white lie that won't hurt him.

Rydel: I went to the drug store to get mom her medicine.

Riker: Aww, you're such a nice and reliable daughter.

Rydel: I sure am.

I laugh nervously. If only he knew that I just kinda lied to him. But he will never know. I send him one more fake smile, before I sprint up the stairs and shut my door behind me.

Rebecca's POV

I jiggle with the keys in my hand, trying to unlock the door to our apartment. Ross recognizes my nervousness and softly takes the keys out of my shaking hands to open the door. After Ross closes the door he turns around to face me.

Ross: ... Are you okay?

Rebecca: ... Y-yeah. ... Everything's fine.

Ross raises his eyebrow and I release a sigh before I fall backwards onto the couch.

Rebecca: Okay I'm not fine.

Ross: *sarcastic* Really? I didn't notice.

I glare at him and his smile disappears. He sits down next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder to pull me into a side hug, while I nuzzle my face into his chest. I feel, how he gently kisses the top of my head, before he lays his head on top of mine.

Ross: Please tell me what's wrong.

I take a deep breath, before I answer.

Rebecca: ... What if I'm really pregnant? I already told you. I don't know how to raise and take care of a kid. For god's sake I can't even take care of myself.

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