Chapter 30 II Thinking Of You

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Chapter 30

Ross' POV

I still can't believe it. I told her I have to come alone. And definitely not with the police. She told me she wouldn't follow me. Why did she break that promise? I stare at her with my wide eyes, as she sprints towards me and wraps me and Maya in a tight hug.

?: I'm so glad you're okay.

Ross: Rebecca, I told you to not follow me. Why did you do it anyway?

Rebecca: I just couldn't let you go here alone.

Ross: But why did you contact the police ... and my ... family?

I look confused at Riker, Ellington and Rydel, while Rydel clings onto Ellington with fear in her eyes. They stand behind the police men and watch the scene.

Police man 1: Alright, nobody moves!

Pete: Lynch, we said no police!

Ross: I didn't call them!

Pete: You're gonna pay for this!

Pete runs towards me. I quickly hand Maya over to Rebecca and she takes a few steps back, as Pete wraps his arm around my neck from behind and holds a gun on my temple. I hear a few gasps escaping the girls' mouths and I try to breathe calmly, but with a gun on your head, it's not that easy. The rest of the guys stand around Pete with their hands on their gun.

Police man 2: Alright, everybody calm down. Remove the weapon, then nobody is gonna get hurt.

Pete: Never! Drop the gun or Lynch gets it.

Rebecca: Please don't.

Pete: Sorry, princess, but life isn't a fairytale.

Maya hides her face in Rebecca's chest and a whimpers can he heard. Rebecca is also fighting with the tears.

Ross: Come on dude, you got the money. Let me go.

Pete: No. your stupid girlfriend called the police and either they leave without arresting us or you're going down with us.

The presses the gun stronger against my temple, already causing a small amount of pain and me to hiss.

Ellington: Come on man, we're not gonna press charges if you let him go now, so we can all go our different ways.

Pete: You should have thought first about it, before missy here calls the police.

Rebecca: I'm so sorry guys.

Pete: It's too late for that now.

Rebecca: Okay, wait hold on everybody.

We all look confused at Rebecca, as she hands Maya once again over to Rydel.

Rebecca: Look, I just want everything to go back the way it was. So, you take the money, we take Ross, Maya and the police with us and pretend this never happened, alright?

The pressure on my temple becomes a little lighter, giving me a chance to make eye contact with one of the police men. After some more seconds, one of them finally recognizes my weird facial expressions and looks confused at me. I'm about to mouth some words to him, when the room gets filled with the noise of shattering glass, followed by other police men to jump through the broken windows, before they circle us. The sudden noise made us a wince and in this quick second, I release myself from Pete's grip and push him away, before running over to Rebecca and grabbing her hand.

Ross: Come on. Let's go.

Rydel and Ellington run ahead with Maya, closely followed by Riker. While the other guys are busy with the police men, I run ahead and pull Rebecca by her hand with me. We're already outside the house, when the silent neighborhood gets filled with a loud BANG, followed by a painful scream from Rebecca, before she crumbles to the ground. Red liquid suddenly start soaking her shirt on her back and I fall onto my knees next to her body.

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