Chapter 4 II Say Something

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Chapter 4

Ross' POV

After another hour we finally arrived at Rebecca's place. It's not very special, just a small living room with kitchen area and a bed and closet in the corner and an extra bathroom, so basically only two rooms, but I think we can make it work without any awkwardness. She closes the door behind us and guides me through the room to the bed. She slowly helps me lay down; I adjust myself, while she just looks at me.

Rebecca: Do you need anything?

Ross: Eh yes. Can you please get my phone from my jacket?

Rebecca: Sure.

She turns on her heels and a minute later she hands me my phone.

Rebecca: I'm gonna make some tea. Do you also want one?

Ross: Sure. That'd be nice.

She smiles and goes into the kitchen area. Oh god, that smile is the death to me. I can't help it. You're probably wondering now, what I wanna do now, well, I actually do not want to do this, but I have to break up with Alex. I can't help it. I'm falling for Rebecca, really hard and Alex and I haven't seen each other since my family kicked me out. I doubt that she still wants to have to do something with me. I know what you're thinking now: "How can you just throw your relationship away for a crush you just met?" or "You don't even know if Rebecca likes you back. What, if she just sees you as a good friend and not as a boyfriend?" Yeah, yeah I know, I'm risking things, but lately the spark between Alex and I are gone. I just have to do it, so I unlock my phone, but I see that I already have a message from Alex. I smile, while opening it, but my smile disappears again, when I finish reading the text.

Baby (Alex): I think it's better, if we break up. We haven't seen each other in such a long time and now that you got kicked out, I don't know if I can handle that. Plus, I've also met another guy and he's really sweet. Sorry, but the sparks are just gone, Ross. Bye.

I just stare at the text over and over again. My screen gets dark and I drop my phone onto the mattress. My stare is frozen, emotionless. I stare at the plain wall opposite of me, a small tear is slowly finding its way out of my eye down my cheek into my shirt. I stay in this position for like 5 minutes, till Rebecca comes back with two cups of tea. When she sees me, she places the cups on the night stand and sits on the bed, cross-legged and just looks at me with a worried expression on her face, till she places her palm on my knee and I come back from my trance.

Rebecca: ... Ross? ... Is ... is everything okay?

I just shake my head.

Rebecca: I don't want to pressure you now, but maybe it'll help when you talk about it.

I remain silent.

Rebecca: Ross, please. You have to open up and release your feelings. You can lie to me and say that everything is okay, but please. Just say something. Just something.

Ross: ... A-alex broke up with me.

Her eyes wide and she puts a hand in front of her mouth to quiet down her gasp. I look at her sad face and the tears just start rolling down my cheeks. Rebecca comes closer to me and wraps her arms softly around me and I put my arms around her waist, while snuggling into her neck. She runs her hand through my bright hair to calm me down, while I just cry into her neck. Then she whispers into my ear.

Rebecca: I'm here for you Ross. I'm not gonna leave you. You can trust me. But you have to promise me one thing.

We release from our hug and I look confused at her.

Ross: *sobs* W-w-what?

Rebecca: You have to promise me, that you're gonna start to open up to me in the future. I'm gonna do the same, but I wanna get to know you more.

Ross: O-okay. I promise.

She holds her pinky in front of my face.

Rebecca: Pinky swear?

I show a weak smile, and she returns it, just way brighter and way happier.

Ross: Pinky swear.

Her smile is even brighter and bigger now and her arms wrap around my neck again, giving me the biggest hug I've ever got in the last few weeks.

It may be hard for me to talk about my past, but for Rebecca I'm gonna do it. I mean, I wanna get to know her too, so I have to return the favor. And I think she's right. Talking about your problems will maybe help you overcome them and I really hope Rebecca can help me with that. I've made my decision. For the first time after the accident I caused I'm gonna tell someone about it, who isn't related to me. For the first time, I'm gonna open up to a stranger. For the first time I'm gonna say something.


Just a filler chapter, but the next chapter is gonna be intense with some flashbacks from Ross' and Rebecca's past. so be ready. I'm probably gonna post the 5th chapter tomorrow are the day after tomorrow.

Till then


Love you all

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