Chapter 33 II Poor Unfortunate Souls

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(Maya at the age of 17 in the media)

Chapter 33

Twelve years later

Ross' POV

Ross: Have you seen her?!

?: Sorry, Ross. No. She's also not here. And she didn't call you or something?

Ross: No, Rocky, I'm telling you. She left nothing.

Rocky: Well, have you tried calling her?

Ross: Are you kidding me?! That's the first thing I did. I called a million times, I texted her a million times. She's just not answering. I'm just so worried Rocky. I can't lose her again.

Rocky: Okay, Ross, Ross. Calm down. We'll find her. Don't worry. Let's just recap your day, okay?

Ross: How's that supposed to help?

Rocky: Just trust me, bro. So tell me. When did you last saw her?

Ross: Well, this morning she was still here. We had breakfast together, then I drove her to school because I didn't had work today and that was the last time I saw her. I actually expected her to come home around four in the afternoon, but this time she didn't. And she usually calls or texts me, if she's still going somewhere with friends.

Rocky: Ross, maybe we're overreacting a little bit here. I mean, she's old enough to know what to do right.

Ross: I know. ... It's just ... . I don't wanna lose my little girl again.

While running a hand stressfully through my hair, I walk through the apartment, thinking about where my daughter could be. I'm worried sick and if she doesn't call soon, I'm probably calling the police. ... What? I'm a stressed out 38 year old single father with a 17 year old daughter. And let me tell you, she's a really beautiful girl, if I'm allow to say it like that, so she could get grabbed easily by any male strangers, so I have every right to be worried now.

Ross: What to do? What to do?

Rocky: I see I have to distract you a little. Ross, what did you do today?

Ross: Really Rocky?

Rocky: What? I'm just trying some small talk. So tell me. What did you do today?

I release an annoyed sigh and sit down on the couch, while running my hand through my already messy blonde hair.

Ross: Well, if you must know. I didn't really do much today. After breakfast, I went to buy some flowers and then I went to the cemetery to visit Rebecca because today is her 17th death day. And-.

Rocky: That's it.

Ross: What do you mean?

Rocky: That's where Maya is. Come on, Ross. Go to the cemetery and if I'm totally wrong here you can gladly punch me in the face.

My eyes suddenly wide and my jaw drops to the floor, before I face palm myself.

Ross: Oh my god. Why didn't I think of that before? Rocky, you're a genius.

Rocky: I've been told.

I roll my eyes and now I'm so glad that he can't see me.

Ross: But why would she not call and tell me where she is?

Rocky: Maybe she wanted to be alone. I don't know Ross. And we don't even if she's there, so hurry up and move your ass to the cemetery.

Ross: Okay, okay. Relax. You don't have to be so mean.

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