Chapter 18 II Naturally

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Chapter 18

Three weeks later

Ross' POV

Three weeks. Three weeks already passed and Rebecca is still in a coma. Over this time period I've visited Rebecca every day, hoping she would wake up, when I'm sitting next to her bed and telling her about our little daughter. After one week I was able to bring her home. It was hard at first because Rebecca and I hadn't prepared anything for the baby because we didn't had the money, so at the first day my baby girl slept with in our bed. But then, one day Rydel called me and said she and Ellington have a surprise for me. I told them my address, much to my dislike because I didn't know if they were serious or if it was just a joke. But they came. And not with empty hands. With tons and tons of baby stuff. I literally started crying because I was so happy. At this moment I was so glad that I met Rydel a long time ago again. Because of this sudden meeting at the drug store I got the support and trust from three of my four best friends back. That's more than I could ever ask for. Surprising, I don't really have any problems with my daughter. It's easier than I thought actually. She's easy to handle, she listens and she just cries in really extreme situations, which gladly don't happen so often. ... It's yet another day and I'm going to the hospital. While walking through the front door, I cradle my girl in my arms and walk towards Mrs. Andrews, who already waits for me. I want someone to keep an eye on my girl, when I go to Rebecca. Mrs. Andrews absolutely fell in love with my baby and I guess she likes her too. She's kinda the substitute mother to her, but I'm pretty sure she's gonna love her biological mother even more, when she wakes up again. I have faith in that. ... I hand my girl over and Mrs. Andrews sends me another smile, before I walk towards Rebecca's room. I slowly open the door, hoping to see my girlfriend with open eyes and a smile on her face, but like every day, she's laying there reactionless, not moving at all. I sit down next to her and take her hand into mine, like each day over the last three weeks. I start stroking the back of it and I stare at her face.

Ross: Hello, my beautiful angel. I'm back again. I miss you Rebecca. I miss your laugh, your smile. I miss it that there's not someone nagging at me at home. And I really want you to meet our little daughter. She's amazing. She's the perfect girl. And she also gets along really well with Mrs. Andrews. Rydel and Ellington haven't met her yet, but I wanted to do that really soon. By the way, I forgot to tell you. Riker and Ellington forgave me. They were here in the hospital, when you gave birth and that was when they forgave me. Rocky is sadly still mad at me, but I can't blame him. He's just-.

In that moment, I feel a slight movement in my hand. It wasn't me. My hand was completely calm. ... Could ... could it be? ... Was it really-? There. Again. I look with hopeful eyes at Rebecca while I continue stroking her hand. I avert my stare from Rebecca's face and move it towards her hand. I focus on her fingers and I see, how they slightly twitch in my hand. I grab them tightly and I can already feel tears building in my eyes.

Ross: Rebecca? Baby? Can you hear me?

She moves her head a little and squeezes her still closed eyes. I quickly press the red button next to her bed and seconds later a nurse enters the room. When she sees Rebecca's slight movement, she releases a short gasp before she hurries over to us.

Nurse: What were you doing?

Ross: Nothing unusual. I just started talking to her like every day.

Nurse: Continue talking. Maybe she can hear it.

Ross: Alright. ... Baby, I can't wait for you to meet our little daughter. She's so precious and she has your eyes and nose and she has my smile and my blonde hair. And-.

I feel her hand moving again and this time she also moves her head into my direction. Her fragile fingers suddenly wrap themselves around mine and a big smile appears on my face.

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