Chapter 17 II Leave Me Alone

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Chapter 17

Ross' POV

For the last 40 minutes I'm sitting here next to Rebecca's bed, praying that she'll wake up as soon as possible, but in these 40 minutes, nothing happened. Just the dull sound of the going heart monitor. Sometime a nurse came in to check, if everything was okay. I suddenly feel a warm hand on my right shoulder, which causes me to turn around and look at the person with my tired, hurting eyes, just to see a worried Mrs. Andrews looking down onto me.

Mrs. Andrews: Ross, we have to leave now.

I turn my head back to Rebecca and give her one last kiss on her forehead, before standing up and walking pass Mrs. Andrews out of the room. With my gaze focused onto the floor. While I'm walking along the hallway, I don't look up once. Not even at Rydel and Ellington. I just pass them towards the exit. I hear Rydel calling my name, so I'd stop, but I ignore her. I just exit the hospital and walk towards the next bus stop. I don't wanna drive home with Mrs. Andrews now. I only wanna be alone.

Riker's POV

I wonder what was actually running through Rocky's mind, when he rejected Ross yet again. I actually really thought, he'd give him another chance by the way he was acting, but apparently I was wrong. You're probably wondering, why I forgave Ross. Well, you maybe remember that I was actually the one who kicked him out and shut the door directly into his face. You remember? Well, at the beginning I was proud of it, I really was. I was so angry and disappointed at Ross and I just couldn't look him again in his face without feeling strong hate towards him. I thought kicking him out was the best thing to do, but ... after some time I realized it wasn't. It seemed like every day I heard Rydel crying in her room, saying that she misses Ryland and Ross and that she just wants everything to be back to normal again. After three months, I officially felt guilty. You can say it. Say it, come on. I'm the worst big brother in the whole wide world. Instead of being there for my younger sibling, I kicked him out and blamed him for an unwanted accident that happened. I know I can't reverse time, but today I showed Ross ... that he's still a brother to me. That's the least I can do after everything. ... I quietly open the front door of our house and step in. While taking off my jacket, I kick off my shoes and quickly jog upstairs. When I open my door to my room, I hear a door open behind me. I turn around and look at my worried mother.

Stormie: Riker? Is that you?

Riker: Yeah mom. What's up? Why are you awake?

Stormie: I heard you come up the stairs.

Riker: Sorry for waking you up.

Stormie: It's okay. Where are Rydel and Ellington? Are they still at the gas station?

Gas station? What is she talking about? ... Oh right. Rocky told her we went to the gas station for snacks. He really couldn't think of another excuse? I can't tell her they're still at the gas station. I mean, what kind of people stay over two hours at a gas station? I have to come up with another excuse.

Riker: Ehm ... no they're not actually. They went to Ellington's. She actually wanted to text you, but I guess she forgot to.

Stormie: Alright, well thank you for telling me. Good night. Try to get some sleep for a few more hours.

Riker: Alright. Night mom.

She sends me a short smile, before she turns around and goes into her bedroom again. I quickly enter my room and when I close the door behind me I take my phone from my pocket. I search through my contacts till I find Rydel's number.

Riker: Delly, u guys can't come home. I told mom that u went to Ellington's because, let's be honest. Who spends 2 h on a gas station?

I wait a few moments for her to answer and then my phone finally vibrates.

Baby Sis: Alright. Yeah u r right. Thanks 4 telling. See u tomorrow big bro. Love u <3

Riker: Love u 2 <3

I lock my phone again and place it on my desk, before walking over to my bed and falling on top of the sheets. Without undressing I slowly fall asleep.

Ross' POV

I'm opening the door to our apartment after a one hour drive with the bus from the hospital. You're wondering why one hour? Well, first I had to wait 20 minutes for the bus, then I took the wrong bus into the wrong direction and when I finally recognized it, I got off the bus and sprinted to the next on into the other direction. This all combines one hour and 13 minutes of getting home. ... It's around six am in the morning now, but I'm feeling like falling asleep now. I can't fall asleep without Rebecca in my arms. I'm about to go to the bathroom, when I hear a soft knock. I look confused at the front door. Who could that be at this time in the morning? I peek through the spyhole and see Mrs. Andrews who's waiting patiently for me to open the door. As much as I love Mrs. Andrews for always be there or me and Rebecca, I don't really wanna talk to anybody. I hate to do this, but I'm just so vulnerable right now that I can't talk. And this is probably the first time that talking will not help me with my problems. I'm about to turn away again and tip toe quietly away from the door, when I hear Mrs. Andrews' soft and soothing voice.

Mrs. Andrews: Ross, it's me, Monica. ... I know that you're standing at the door now and I can understand that you wanna be alone, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you. ... Please don't hide yourself from the world because of Rebecca's state. You have so much to live for. Just think about your daughter. You have to be there for her Ross. ... You don't have to talk to me, but ... please do me this favor and don't do anything to you. ... Stay safe my little boy. ... I love you Ross.

I wait for her to continue, but the only think I can sense are her silent footsteps that slowly fade away, till the door next to our apartment closes, meaning that Mrs. Andrews returned to her apartment again. ... She's right. ... I have to be strong for my little baby girl and for my girlfriend. When I bring my angel and hopefully my girlfriend back home, I'll start to totally focus on those two and if it's only my daughter, then I'm gonna be the best father I can ever be. ... But for now I just want everything and everyone to leave me alone.


a little shorter chapter and not really interesting, but better than nothing. i know i told you you'd finally find out the name for Ross' daughter, but it'll probably be in the next chapter. there's alos gonna be little time skip again, so we can finally move forward.


Love you <3<3<3

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