Chapter 28 II Safe And Sound

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Chapter 28

Ross' POV

Ellington: ... We know how much you and Rebecca want your daughter back, which is totally understandable. And this is why we decided that we're gonna give you the rest of the money.

I stop breathing for a few seconds. I really don't know what to say right now. I really don't know.

Ross: ... A-Are you serious?

Rydel: Absolutely Ross. And you don't have to pay the money back.

Rebecca: Oh no Rydel. We can't do that. That's over 1,000 $ we're talking about here. We're gonna pay b-.

Rydel: You are not gonna pay the money back. And if you want to then we're not gonna take it. End of discussion.

Rydel suddenly starts rummaging in her purse and suddenly pulls out a brown envelope, before handing it over to me. I hesitate with taking it. I mean, we're talking about 1,000 $ here. That's a lot of money.

Ross: How did you know we're not gonna raise enough money?

Ellington: We didn't know it. Cautionary, we already brought some money. It's around 2,000 $ in here, so just take the money you need and then give the rest back, alright?

Rebecca: Thank you so much guys. We owe you big time.

Rydel: Family helps each other out.

Rebecca: Alright, well thanks again, but I sadly already have to go. I still have to collect and organize some things, so I'll see you around, alright?

Rydel: Sure, see you later girl.

Rebecca gives my sister and Ellington a hug, before pressing a soft kiss on my lips, then she runs off into a different direction, me looking after her. When I turn back to Rydel and Ellington, I see that she's still holding the envelope in her hand.

Rydel: Come on Ross. Take it.

I sigh and slowly reach my hand out to grab the big amount of money. I feel guilty taking so much money from my sister and her boyfriend. They probably need it for themselves and now they're giving it to me, just because I'm not capable of looking out for my own daughter. When I feel the envelope in my hands, I look down at it, not wanting to look into their eyes.

Ross: ... What do you want for it?

Rydel: Ross, look at me.

I hesitate, before I look up into my sister's eyes. Her face softens and she sends me a reassuring smile.

Rydel: ... We just want our niece back. That's all that matters.

I smile shortly, before pulling my sister in a long, loving hug. She and Ellington are literally the best. She places her head on my chest and I place my head on top of her head. I can feel, how my tears start to brim through my eyes and after some time they find their way down my cheeks.

Ross: ... What would I just do without you guys?

Ellington comes to my side and places his hand on my shoulder, causing me and Rydel to unwrap from our hug.

Ellington: We're here for you Ross. And we're not leaving again.

We share a quick bro hug, before we say goodbye and the young couple leaves the backstage area. With the envelope in my hand, I start looking for Rebecca. I saw her walking towards the exit, so I hope I'll find her there. ... Yep, I was right. There she is, talking to one of the staff people, while the rest start cleaning the backstage area and the venue. She turns her gaze into my direction and a smile forms on her face, when she sees me approaching her. She says some last words to the man, then she starts walking towards me.

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