Chapter 13 II Stay With Me

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so, there's a huge time skip in this chapter becasue i didn't wanna write about nine months pregnancy. i hope you undertsand this. i wanna get going with the story and not bored you with lame things. 

didn't check for grammar and spelling mistakes, so I'm already apologizing, if you find any

enjoy ;)


Chapter 13

Eight months later

Rebecca's POV

A huge pain runs through my body, causing me to wake up and hold my stomach. While I check the time, I feel something wet hitting my naked legs under the bed sheets. Is it really happening now? Is the baby really coming now? Not to mention that it's two in the morning, but the baby is also three weeks early. I hope, that is not gonna cause anything. Another contraction hits me and I release a scream. I look to my left at Ross, who's still fast asleep. How is that even possible? Why does this boy has such a deep sleep? I move my shaking hand to his shoulder and start shaking him, but all I get back are some mumbles and then he turns around, so his back is facing me. Are you fucking kidding me? Okay, now I have to take extreme measures.


And with that I push him off the bed, so he drops to the floor and lands with a thud.

Ross' POV


I partly open my eyes to check why Rebecca is screaming, but before I can see anything, I feel a hand on my back and seconds later I land on the hard cold floor. I release a groan and slowly push myself up with my arms. I place them in the edge of the bed and look tiredly at Rebecca.

Ross: ... What the heck?!

Rebecca: It's about time you wake up. The baby's coming.

Okay, did I hear that correctly?

Ross: ... Say what now?

Rebecca: Get my bag, get me into the car and drive me to the fucking hospital! I'M BEING SERIOUS!

I still don't move. Rebecca looks with a shocked expression at me.

Rebecca: Ross, move!

Ross: ... What?! The baby's coming?!

Rebecca: Wow, you're fast.

Ross: Okay, you don't have to be so rude. I'll get everything.

Rebecca: HURRY!!!

Ross: Calm down okay?

Rebecca: I AM CALM!

She looks at me with wide, angry eyes and I know that she's not open for jokes now. I quickly stand up and grab the first shirt and jeans I can find and throw them on as quickly as possible. While Rebecca is holding her stomach in pain, I run into the bathroom and get the already prepared bag for the hospital. Yup, we're good. I throw it towards the door and hurry back to Rebecca. I wrap my arm around her waist, while I feel how she places her arm on my shoulders for support. Once in a while Rebecca releases a scream because of the contractions, but we soon exit our small apartment. We're one our way to the elevator now, when I realize something. I stop and Rebecca looks confused at me.

Rebecca: Why do you stop?

Ross: ... We don't have a car.

Rebecca: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! How am I supposed to get into the hospital?!

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