Chapter 26 II Feel Again

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Chapter 26

Two days later

Ross' POV

Doctor: Okay, Mr. Lynch. I want you to hold still now. I'm gonna remove your bandage now.

Ross: *whisper* Alright.

The doctor slowly opens the fastener on the side and carefully removes the white bandage from my neck. My eyes wander over to Ellington and Rydel and I can see, how Ellington scrunches up his nose and Rydel places her hand in front of her mouth to quiet down a gasp. The doctor carefully places his hands on my neck to examine it more precisely.

Ross: *whisper* How does it look?

Ellington: It's ... it's ... okay.

Ross: *whisper* Be honest.

Ellington: Alright. ... There are some dark marks and also still some bruises, but the most important thing is now that you can move again. Can you?

I look at the doctor, asking if I can move my neck or not and he nods at me. Slowly and carefully I look to the right and left, sometimes releases a small and quiet whimper, but other than that it feels okay.

Doctor: So how does it feel?

Ross: Okay.

Doctor: I still recommend you to not fully move your neck yet. You still have some bruises there and it's still very sore.

Ross: ... Can I sing with it?

Doctor: I don't know. You have to find out yourself. If you feel okay with it and it doesn't hurt, then it's okay, but don't force yourself into singing just because you want to. Only without ache.

Rydel comes to my side and places her hand on my shoulder.

Rydel: Alright doc. We're gonna make sure of it.

Doctor: Good. Then Mr. Lynch just has to sign the release papers and then he's free to go.

I release a sigh of relief and stand up from the bed. Ellington grabs my bag with my clothes and we follow the doctor outside the room towards the reception. He looks for the papers and a few moments later he hands me a pen and places the papers in front of me on the counter. I quickly sign and hand them back to me.

Doctor: Thank you. Have a good day.

I show him a short nod and the three of us turn around and walk towards the exit, till I hear my name being called again from behind.

Doctor: Mr. Lynch?

I turn around one more time and look at the doctor, who has a small smile on his face.

Doctor: And don't forget. Like the young kids say it today. ... Take it easy.

I roll my eyes and let out a chuckle.

Ross: I will doc.

He sends me one last smile, before Ellington, Rydel and I leave the hospital. We walk over to the parking lot; Rydel and Ellington ahead and I follow them like a lost little puppy. Ellington throws my bag in the trunk and Rydel opens the door, letting me slide inside the car onto the backseat. Ellington gets into the driver's seat and Rydel sits shotgun. I look outside the window and wait for Ellington to start the car and bring us home, but nothing happens. I turn my gaze away from the window and see Ellington and Rydel looking at me with worried, yet hopeful eyes.

Ross: What?

Rydel: How do you feel right now? Okay so far?

I shrug my shoulders.

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