Chapter 20 II Count On Me

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Chapter 20

Ross' POV

I read the note over and over again. ... This can't be true. Please let it be a cruel joke. Please! I can't lose my baby girl. She's my own flesh and blood. I took part in creating her. She's a part of me. And Mrs. Andrews. She helped me and Rebecca so much over the time. She helped her so much through Rebecca's pregnancy, for god's sake, she even payed once our rent, otherwise we would've been homeless. I'm so thankful for her. She's like our second mother. ... I sit down on the couch, still only with my boxers on, and take once again a look at the paper in my shaking hands. I can feel, how my eyes get watery and just a few seconds later a tear drops onto the paper, making the ink spread all over the following words. I throw the paper on the little table in front of me and afterwards I place my face in my palm to quiet down my sobs, but also because I heard moving behind me and I don't want that Rebecca sees me crying again.

Rebecca: Ross, I thought you wanted to shower. Why aren't you-.

As Rebecca enters the room and sees me sitting on the couch, she cuts off her own sentence and stays silent.

Rebecca: ... Ross?

I don't look up. I just continue pressing my palms against my forehead, while my tears roll down my cheeks. Even though my vision is blurry from my salty tears, I see how Rebecca sits down next to me and places her hand on my back and starts rubbing small circles to calm me down, which is not really helping.

Rebecca: ... Ross ... what ... what happened?

I don't answer. I just hand her the note. While she's reading I can clearly see, how her facial expression changes from relaxed to shocked and sad. Tears start brimming through her eyes and I quickly take her into my arms, so she can cry into my chest. I kiss her head lightly, followed by a tear of mine falling on top of her soft messy morning hair. ... After around 10 minutes we both calmed down and now we just stare at the paper that's laying on the table.

Rebecca: ... So what are we gonna do now?

Ross: I don't know.

Rebecca: I just want my baby and mother back.

Rebecca places her hands on my thigh and places her head on my shoulder blade, so she's looking away from the note. I take one of her hands in my own and start rubbing my thumb over the back of it.

Ross: ... Me too baby. ... Me too.

Rebecca: We'll never be able to earn 5,000 $.

I hesitate for a second. I have a few other people, who could maybe help us, but should I really risk it?

Ross: ... What about my family?

Rebecca removes her head from my shoulder and looks with her tearstained face at me.

Rebecca: ... Are you sure? ... I thought your family separated themselves from you.

Ross: While you were in a coma, I called Rydel and asked her to come to the hospital. It was the day of Maya's birth. The guys came with her. ... I got Rydel's, Ellington's and Riker's trust back, Rocky is still separating him, but I can't blame him.

Rebecca: What about your parents?

Ross: You don't know anything about our encounter in the hospital.

Rebecca grabs my hands and looks with a pleading expression at me.

Rebecca: Ross, please. This is maybe our only chance to find them. We have to involve your siblings.

Ross: ... A-Alright. I'll call Rydel.

I stand up and walk over to my jacket to get my phone. I'm about to look through my contacts, when I hear Rebecca approaching me.

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