Chapter 11 II Apologize

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Chapter 11

Rydel's POV

Just when I lost all hope of seeing my favorite little bro again ... There he is. Standing in front of me. I just wanted to be a nice daughter and buy medicine for my mom in the drugstore and then after all I'm nice again by helping this girl/woman to decide which pregnancy test she should buy and all this led to ... seeing my brother again, who I haven't seen in such a long time. I gasp and place my hand in front of my mouth when I see him. Then he looks at me. His eyes wide and his mouth hangs open. I don't know if he's happy to see me or not, but it doesn't matter. I'm happy.

Ross: R-Rydel?

Rydel: Yes.

Tears start building in my eyes and they slowly roll down my cheeks. Now I can't hold it anymore. I run towards him and he wraps me in a nice, long, loving hug, while I cry in his chest. He places his head on top of mine and something wet kits my hair. Ross' tears. I continue sobbing into his shirt, while he just tightens his grip around me. I never want to let go again.

Rebecca's POV

Ross wraps Rydel into a hug and now I finally understand what's going on here. Of course they know each other. Ross told me his story. This is his sister who he hasn't seen in such a long time. I just smile at this sweet brother-sister-moment. I wish I also still have this with my sister.

Ross' POV

I think me and Rydel have been hugging now for 5-10 minutes, but I don't want to let go yet. But now I slowly lose my grip around her and look at her with teary eyes. Her mascara is smeared all over her face and my shirt, but right now I don't care.

Rydel: I missed you so much Ross.

Ross: I missed you too.

Another short hug, then we pull away from each other. Rydel cleans her face from the mascara stains and I clean my tear stained cheeks. After both of us calmed down Rydel first looks at Rebecca and then back at me.

Rydel: Well Ross. Do you have any connections to this beautiful girl?

She winks at me and I look down while blushing.

Ross: Yeah. ... She's ... she's my girlfriend.

Rydel: Awwww, this is so cute. You guys make such a cute couple.

Still same old Rydel. Then she looks at the shelf of pregnancy tests and afterwards she places her hands on her hips.

Rydel: Ross Shor Lynch. Did you get this girl pregnant?

Ross: We don't know yet.

Slap! What?! I place my hand on my now red cheek after Rydel slapped me.

Ross: What was that for?!

Then her face suddenly softens and she hugs me again.

Rydel: Sorry, I just missed you so much. How could you? You guys are still way too young.

Slap! What the hell is going on with her?!


Rydel: Sorry. There are just so many emotions in me right now. Sorry, I didn't mean it Ross.

And she pulls me into another hug, but this time I don't hug back. I look at Rebecca over Rydel's shoulder and mouth: "What's up with her?". She just shrugs her shoulders and grins. "Do something!", I mouth towards Rebecca and she takes actions.

Rebecca: Well, I hate to break up this beautiful sibling moment, but I really wanna find out if there is another human being inside of me and I also promised Ross a mango smoothie, so ... . I think we should get going.

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