Chapter 3 II It Was Enchanting To Meet You

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Chapter 3

Two weeks later

Ross' POV

Two weeks. I'm already living two weeks on the street and in this time I haven't heard anything from my family. It makes me even more depressed than I already am. I know I'm repeating myself, but I didn't mean for this certain thing to happen. It was an accident. But I don't even have time to think about it again because Justin and his gang come towards me. Great (note the sarcasm). Over the last two weeks they tortured me. They tied me, beat me, burned my skin and more. I don't want to talk about it now. Why won't they just leave me alone? What have I ever done to them? What have I ever done to Justin? After my first night here in the park Justin said I caused him pain in the past, but I have no idea what he was talking about. All I know is, that I always stayed away as far as possible from Justin. Anyway, here he comes now. I can already see his evil grin on his face.

Justin: Hey Blondie. I see you're still "housing" here. I hope you enjoy your new place.

Ross: Why would I enjoy it? In the third night you stole my clothes and I woke up in boxers. ... In December. I almost froze to death.

My voice becomes louder and I suddenly feel a rush of confidence going through my body. I quickly stand up and stand closely to Justin, but two guys pull me back, while holding my hands behind my back. My breathing is heavy and Justin just laughs at me.

Justin: Did you really just think you could go against me? That's pathetic.

He just continues grinning, while pulling a shiny silver object out of his pocket. He snaps it open and the blade of his pocket knife springs out. I just stare at the blade; my facial expression is totally blank. Justin comes closer, the blade is pointed at me.

Justin: Are you scared, Blondie?

I don't answer. I just focus on the knife in front of me. For a second I look at Justin and seconds later I can already feel a sharp pain going through my left cheeks, then a hot liquid rolling down onto my chin and dropping down onto my clothes and dirty ground. Justin just cut a large and deep cut into my cheek. I don't cry. Since beating number three I told myself, that crying won't make it better and that it's just a waste of tears. The red liquid just continues pouring out of my wound. Justin kicks me in the ribs so hard I can hear them crack. I groan and double up in pain. Another kick on the same exact place like before and now I can't hold the tears anymore. The pain is just too intense. Justin and his gang just laugh and I'm already preparing for the next kick or whatever, when I hear a female voice screaming into our direction.

?: HEY!!! Leave him alone!!!

Justin turns around and I also try to catch a glimpse of the unknown female, who's standing confident in front of Justin. He just looks down onto her petite body.

Justin: And ... what if I don't?

He just grins at her, but she sends him a death glare before she starts attacking him with karate kicks. Just seconds later Justin is laying on the ground, groaning in pain. The girl pulls his head by his hair towards her and she whispers into his ear.

?: I don't want to see you anywhere near him in the future. You understand?

Justin: Y-yes.

?: Good. Now go and annoy someone else.

She pushes him back to the ground and cleans her hands. The guys, who are holding me, throw me to the ground to help Justin back on the feet and I release another groan. The gang drags Justin with them and the girl comes towards me. My eyes are closed, but I open the slowly when a shadow suddenly comes over my eyelids. I blink a few times, so my vision becomes clear again, and I look at the beautiful girl in front of me. She has long gorgeous ombre hair and on her lip she has a spider bite on the left. She has multiple earrings on each ear, which I can see because she tucked her hair behind her ears, so it won't fall into my face. Also she's wearing a leather jacket, a black "Walk The Moon" shirt, black ripped skinny jeans and black combat boots. She looks absolutely amazing. Her face is close to mine and she looks at me with her big, beautiful hazel eyes.

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