Chapter 27 II What Do You Mean?

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Chapter 27

Ross' POV

"Wild hearts run, we're all animals inside. Go brave into the night, don't slow, slow, slow it down."

We end our last encore and the crowd is screaming like crazy. Riker, Rocky and I place our guitars and bass on the ground and walk to the middle of the stage. Only a few moments later, Rydel and Ellington join us from the keyboard and drums. We stand in one line and place our arms around each other, before taking a bow in front of our screaming and yelling fans (media). We grab our instruments again, combined with our water bottles, and walk off the stage and with that we finish our very first show after such a long time. As we enter the backstage area, we give our guitars away and walk our own ways. I see my siblings walking towards some people, but I don't really care right now. I walk directly towards Rebecca and stand now in front of her. We look into each other's eyes, yet no one really knows what to say. We've never really had an awkward moment, but because of our last conversation things changed a little bit between us. I just hope I can solve this now.

Ross: ... Hey.

Rebecca: ... Hey.

I scratch the back of my neck and look down onto the ground, while I stuff my other hand into my pocket of my jeans.

Ross: ... So ... ehm. ... Did you organize it?

Rebecca: What?

Ross: ... Did you convince Rocky and Riker to come?

Rebecca: ... Does it matter?

Ross: ... No.

Rebecca: ... But yes. I called them and after some disagreements, I finally convinced them.

Ross: ... Well ... ehm. ... Thank you.

Rebecca: ... No problem.

I send her an unsure smile and turn around again to walk away, but she holds me back.

Rebecca: Ross?

I stop and stand with my back towards her.

Ross: ... Yeah?

Rebecca: ... Why are things so awkward between us?

I sigh and turn towards her, just to see her standing there with teary eyes, which cause my heart to ache.

Ross: ... I-I don't know. ... I guess our little argument changed us both a little bit.

Rebecca: I don't want that. ... I want things to go back the way they were.

Ross: ... How far do you wanna go back?

Rebecca: Back to the time, when there was you, me and Maya. ... Together. ... As a family.

I don't answer. I don't know what to say. Her pleading and broken voice makes me feel guilty that I just left like that and that I made her feel guilty about the missing of Maya. I basically told her that she doesn't want our daughter, which I know is not true. I know that she loves Maya, just as much as I love her. She waits desperately for me to say something, but I don't. I just walk towards her and place my hands on her cheeks, before pulling her into a passionate kiss. She's taken back first, but quickly starts kissing back. She places her cold hands on my forearms and I run my thumbs under her eyes to wipe away her small tears. At the moment, I don't really care if other people watch or not. The only thing I care about right now is Rebecca and I. she drops her hands from my arms and we pull away from the kiss, yet I place my forehead against hers.

Ross: I also want things to go back the way they were. ... I don't wanna fight with you. ... Will you please forgive me?

Rebecca: Only if you can forgive me.

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