Chapter 15 II Angel

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Chapter 15

Rocky's POV

I push the key into the lock and quietly open the door, hoping not to wake mom and dad. I still don't know why I went with them to the hospital. They all were fine. I knew it, but I still went with them, just to see Ross. ... Okay, I know what you're thinking now. How can you be so ruthless and mean to your own younger brother? I know, I know. I'm really giving him a hard time and I miss him, I really do, I'm not lying, but I'm a person, who doesn't forget. Certain things just stay in my mind and never leave again. You know what I'm talking about, which is why it also hurt so much to see Ross again in the hospital. The hospital was the place I last saw Ross around a year ago. When I saw him again, standing there with his sad and dull eyes, all the memories just came back flashing in my mind and I ... I just couldn't. ... I said myself that I'll forgive him, when I'll see him again because I realized that family should be there for each other. I promised myself, but I just couldn't. Now I also think that it was one of the biggest mistakes we've ever made as a "family" to kick out Ross. ... I gotta be honest with you guys. Even though I didn't forgive him yet, I still regret kicking him out. ... And now for the first time ever after the accident with Ryland I feel the guilt rising up in me. ... And it's not a great feeling.

I sneak along the hallway, trying not to wake my parents, but suddenly the lights in the living room go on and I look at my concerned and worried parents, both sitting in their pajamas on the couch. I stop in my tracks and turn towards them with an unsure smile.

Rocky: ... Hey.

Stormie: Rocky Mark Lynch, where were you? And where are the others?

I scratch the back of my neck, a habit I do when I'm nervous. It's kinda a Lynch thing. Everybody in our family does it when he or she is nervous and unsure what to say. My mother recognizes my nervous face. This is when her face softens and she engulfs me in a warm hug.

Stormie: Oh Rocky. I'm just glad you're okay. We were worried sick. You were all suddenly just gone.

Mom release from the hug and places her hands on my shoulder, while staring deep into my eyes. I know what she's trying to do. It always helped when we were little. She would stare into our eyes to make us uncomfortable, till we'd confess everything. She told me it always worked when we were still younger. I'm about to open my mouth to tell them because mom's stare is really making me uncomfortable, but then dad comes from behind and slightly pushes mom's hands off my shoulders. Thank you dad. He looks concerned, yet serious at me.

Mark: Rocky. ... Where are your siblings and Ellington?

I hesitate with my answer. Should I tell them the truth? On the one hand, they're my parents and I never lied to them before. On the other hand, I don't know how well they'd take it. After all, they also didn't forget. Sometimes I still hear mom crying in their room at night. It honestly breaks my heart. I'm about to answer, when I remember what Rydel told me, before we snuck out around 1 hour ago.


Riker: Rydel, Ell, where are you guys going?

Ellington: To the hospital.

Riker: Why are you going to the hospital?

Ellington: Because ... . Yeah, why are we going?

Rydel: *hesitating* Ehm ... I can't tell you.

Riker: Why not?

Rydel: It's complicated. ... Anyway, Ell and I have to go.

Riker: Wait, Rydel. If you're going to the hospital, I'm coming with you. I wanna support you.

Rydel: That's sweet Riker, but-.

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