Chapter 31 II Dancing In The Sky

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Chapter 31

Three weeks later (Rebecca's funeral)

Ross' POV

Ross: Alright, baby. Come here.

I place Maya on the bed and try to put her black dress on for the funeral. I knew, I'm gonna need some time with Maya, so I already cleaned myself up and dressed up in a black suit with black shoes and black tie. I didn't do anything with my hair. I let it naturally messy.

(Ross' outfit: . i put Maya's dress on the media becasue i don't know how to put more than one pic on there, so please look up the other outfits XD)

Maya is wiggling around on the bed and is not really making it easier for me. I grab her legs and stop her from moving, before I lean down to her cute little face.

Ross: Listen, pumpkin. I know you hate getting dressed, but you have to. I can bring you there naked.

I kiss her nose and she scrunches her nose up, causing me to chuckle. Once again, I try to put her small body into the dress, but once again I fail. How did I do it before? It's not the first time I'm dressing her. Maybe she doesn't like dresses? Who knows? I drop my head and close my eyes, trying not to freak out, while Maya just continues giggling. I lay down next to her on the bed and look at her, while squeezing my eyes.

Ross: You think you've won right?

Her response is only a big and wide smile, causing me to roll my eyes.

Ross: You're unbelievable, you know that? But I still love you.

I'm about to stand up and try it again, when someone knocks on the door.

Ross: Who is it?

?: Rydel and Ellington.

Ross: Come in. It's open.

The couple opens the door and steps in. Rydel is dressed in a beautiful knee length black dress with a small black leather jacket and Ellington is just like me wearing a black suit.

(Rydel's dress: (imagine just one of her many leather jackets) and ellington is almost the same as Ross XD)

Rydel places the bouquet of flowers on the table and comes to me and Maya. She stands in front of us and look down onto us with a confused face.

Rydel: Ross, how often have you tried?

Ross: Not often enough.

Rydel: Alrighty, then auntie Delly is gonna dress you cutie.

She picks up Maya and the dress and then leaves towards the bathroom.

Ross: You don't actually have to leave the room. There's nothing I haven't seen yet. I mean, I bath her.

Rydel: Still Ross. We're ladies.

I stand up from the bed and walk to Ellington to greet him with a man hug.

Ellington: Hey, how are you feeling?

Ross: Could be better. I mean, I'd do anything else than going to my girlfriend's funeral, but I wanna say my final goodbye to her.

Ellington: That's good. And remember. It's not a crime to cry, alright? No one's gonna judge you. We know you really loved her.

Ross: I still love her Ell and that's not gonna change.

Ellington: But you also now that you have to move on eventually.

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