Chapter 14 II Human

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Chapter 14

Ross' POV

It feels like years have already passed. Still no sign from Rebecca or any other information from nurses or doctors. What if she didn't make it? ... I don't know how I'd handle this. I'd probably want to be with her, but I can't leave my child behind. Not without a parent. I'm sitting in the quiet bright hallway on an uncomfortable plastic chair with my legs up against my chest, while my arms are wrapped around them. I'm shaking like crazy and my gaze is focused onto the neat floor. Mrs. Andrews is sitting next to me, trying to talk some reassuring words to me to make me feel better, but it's not working. I slightly rock back and forth in my chair.

Ross: *whisper* ... She can't leave me. ... Not now.

Mrs. Andrews: Ross, everything's gonna be okay.

Ross: How do you know? You haven't seen her. ... S-she ... she looked so broken.

My tears roll down my cheeks and again, I feel how Mrs. Andrews draws some small circles on my back to calm me down.

Mrs. Andrews: Do you want me to call someone? Maybe someone from your family?

My head shots up. ... She doesn't know how my relationship is towards my family. I've never told her that my family basically abandoned me. I look at her and I can clearly see that she's waiting for an answer.

Ross: ... No. ... I'll do it.

I slowly stand up and grab my phone from the bag on the floor, before disappearing into the bathroom, to have more privacy. Before I call my sister, I place my phone on the sink and lean myself onto it, while looking into the mirror. I look terrible. Dark circles under my eyes, pale skin and red eyes. I look like a ghost. I splash some cold water in my face and look yet again in the mirror. No change. Still the sad and tired face like before. I wipe my wet hands on my pants and pick up my phone. With shaking thumb I scroll through my contacts till I find Rydel's number. Should I really call her? I mean, what if the rest will find out? What will they think of me and most importantly Rydel? Okay, there's no time for all these questions. I'm just gonna call her. I press the call button and put the phone on my ear. Patiently, I'm waiting for Rydel to answer. One ring, two rings, three rings. Who am I even kidding? It's five in the morning. There's no way Rydel's already awake. I'm about to hang up, when I hear a groggy voice answering.

Rydel: Hello?

Ross: Rydel, it's ... it's Ross.

No answer. Did she already hang up again? Or is she just so shocked that I actually called her again after such a long time?

Rydel: R-Ross? ... Is that really you? Are you really calling?

Ross: Yeah it's me.

Rydel: I'm so glad you called. I missed you so much.

Ross: I missed you too. Listen, there's a reason why I'm calling at five am.

Rydel: What is it?

Ross: ... I'm ... I'm in the hospital.

Ross: Oh no, Ross. What happened? Are you okay?

Ross: I'm fine. ... Rebecca gave birth and-.

Rydel: Congratulations. I'm so-.

Ross: Rydel, listen. ... Rebecca lost too much blood during the delivery. ... She's in surgery right now.

Rydel: Oh no. That's horrible. Should I come? Do you need a shoulder?

Ross: *between sniffles* I-if you d-don't mind.

Rydel: I'm on my way.

Ross: And Rydel?

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