Chapter 25 II Smile

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Chapter 25

Ellington's POV

With watery eyes, I look at Ross' lifeless body laying in the hospital bed. I leaned my elbows on top of my knees and folded my hands, while looking at the ground. I could've prevented it. Why didn't I? I have no answer. Just because of me this poor guy is in the hospital. He's already been through so much. The heart monitor next to the bed and silently been and then the line goes up and down. For the next minutes, everything is totally silent, while my gaze is focused onto Ross. His closed eyes suddenly start to twitch lightly, causing me to sit up in my chair.

Ellington: Ross? Can you hear me?

He opens his eyes slightly and looks around. I release a sigh of relief and fall back into my chair, but suddenly Ross starts to breathe faster every second and he places his hands on the bandage around his neck. His eyes wide and he tries to rip it off, causing the heart monitor next to him going crazy. I grab his hands and slowly pull them away from the bandage.

Ellington: Ross, Ross. Calm down. Everything's okay.

He's body is shaking and he slowly calms down again from his sudden attack. Now I can clearly see, how bloodshot his eyes are and how pale he actually looks.

Ellington: Ross, it's okay. You're in the hospital.

Ross: Why?

His voice sounds so sore and broken and his face is twisted in pain, while he's talking.

Ellington: No, Ross. Don't talk. Your vocal chords are badly hurt.

He looks with a questioning look at me, wanting me to tell him what happened. I let out a sigh and start fiddling with my fingers.

Ellington: You wanna know what happened right?

He nods.

Ellington: Alright, this is what happened. We were on our way back home, after I collected you in the park.


Ross' POV

After Ellington and I left the park, we're now walking on the sidewalk towards the familiar neighborhood, where I've already been today. I suddenly feel dizziness taking over, causing me to stumble. Luckily Ellington is at my side and catches me before I crash onto the hard and cold floor.

Ellington: Woah, there.

He grabs my arms quickly and helps me sit down. I blink my eyes repeatedly and he kneels in front of me, while looking with a concerned face at me.

Ellington: Ross, are you okay?

I don't answer. I just nod my head slowly.

Ellington: Are you sure? You look really sick. Probably from the cigarettes. Your body isn't used to so much nicotine.

Ross: I'm ... I'm fine.

Ellington: Come on. Let's go home.

Ellington grabs my arm once again and pulls me onto my feet. Ellington places my arm around his shoulder, while his arm slings around my torso. He slowly starts walking again and I just follow. After a few more feet, we turn around a corner and finally reach the Ellington's neighborhood.

Ellington: Alright, Ross. We're almost there. Then you can sleep and just relax a little.

Ross: What about my daughter? Ell, we have to do something.

Ellington: I know. And we will, but not today. You're too tired and weak to do something else now.

We continue walking and we're almost at the door, when a voice calls behind us.

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