Chapter 22 II Intuition

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Chapter 22


I turn around and walk towards the sink and lean above it, letting my salty tears fall into the sink.

Riker: Ell.

With red and puffy eyes I turn around and look with a mad expression at him.

Ellington: What?!

Riker: I ... .

Ellington's POV

I wait desperately for Riker to finish his sentence, but nothing. He just stares at me with a sad and guilty expression. He looks down and starts fiddling nervously with his fingers in front of his stomach. That's it. I've had enough. I can't expect an answer from him now. I don't even know why he's still here. He doesn't wanna help. Alright, then his niece maybe won't make it. But then I know for sure that I'm gonna blame him. Not anyone else. And you know why? Because family should be there for each other. I'm still kinda mad at him and the rest for being so heartless to Ross, but it happened. You can't reverse time, but I could, I totally would. I step away from the sink and walk towards the exit of the kitchen. On my way I bump into Riker's shoulder purposely, before I turn around the corner and walk towards the stairs. I'm about to go upstairs, when I hear my name being called again.

Riker: Ellington.

With an annoyed expression, I turn around on the third step towards Riker.

Ellington: What now?

Riker: ... You can try to convince Rocky. I doubt he'll agree, but ... if you can win him over ... I'm in too.

My face softens and a very small smile forms on my face.

Ellington: So what you're saying is: It all depends on Rocky.

Riker: Basically.

Without another word, I turn around again and go back into mine and Rydel's room.

Ross' POV

I pace nervously around the room, while nibbling on my fingernails. What if they don't agree? How else am I supposed to get 7,500 $? It's just impossible for me to do it on my own. From the corner of my eye, I see that Rebecca is slowly approaching me and starts wrapping me into a hug, while I nuzzle my face into her neck. My tears hit her shoulder and I can also hear some sniffles escaping her mouth.

Rebecca: Ross, w-we can do it. I know we can.

Ross: What if they don't agree? Rebecca, we're talking about our daughter here. I don't wanna lose her.

Rebecca: Me neither Ross. And you know that, but we have to keep a cool head in such a situation. Please Ross. Do it for me. And Maya. ... Remain calm.

I take a deep breath, before I unwrap from the hug and kiss Rebecca lightly on the forehead.

Ross: ... I just hope we receive a fast answer from Ellington. I hope he is convincing enough.

Rebecca: He will be. I know it.

Rebecca lays her head on my chest, while I place my head on top of her beautiful ombre hair. I kiss her hair slightly, before ending our hug and walking over to the bed. I grab my phone from the mattress und press the on button. Still no message from Ellington.

Rebecca: Ross, it's still very early in the morning. Ellington probably went back to sleep. I'm pretty sure he's gonna answer around the afternoon time.

Mrs. Andrews: Maybe you kids should also get some sleep. You look very exhausted.

I totally forgot that Mrs. Andrews is still with us. She shows us a reassuring smile, but I can still see her tear stained cheeks glistening in the light. I show a nod before laying down and turning my back towards the girls. Some mumbles escape Rebecca's mouth, probably towards Mrs. Andrews and a few moments later I hear the front door quietly closing. The bed is shifting next to me and I turn around and wrap Rebecca in yet another hug.

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