Chapter 9 II Part Of That World

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I'm so sorry for the long wait. i was super busy and i also had writers blog. but now I'm back. I'm also trying to update my other stories again, if i have any good idea, so i'm open for ideas ;)

anyway, enjoy this chapter <3


Chapter 9

Ross' POV

I slowly open my eyes and squeeze them again, when the bright sunlight hits my eyes. I move my left hand in front of them, so I won't get blind. I blink a few times fast, till my eyes adjusted to the light, then I look around the room, till my eyes land on the sleeping beauty next to me. Our bodies are only covered with the thin white sheets, my right arms is still around Rebecca's bare torso. I slowly move my hand on her back up and down, till she opens her eyes and moves her head to look at me. She smiles at me and pecks my lips. I smile back at her and remove my arm from around her so I can lay on my side to look at her. We're now facing each other, our faces are only like 5 inches away from each other. I move my hand to her soft cheek and caress it.

Ross: Did you like last night?

Rebecca: I enjoyed it.

Ross: Only enjoyed it? Come on. I worked so hard.

Rebecca: You did. Okay, I really enjoyed it.

Ross: Still not good enough.

Rebecca: Mm, too bad for you because that's all you get.

She sits up, while wrapping an extra sheet around her chest. She swings her legs off the bed and heads to the bathroom. I look confused after her because of her comment just seconds ago. To be honest, I'm kinda speechless.

Ross: What?! Are you serious? Like I said. I worked really hard. I could've hurt myself.

Rebecca turns her head towards me and shows me a sassy grin and sticks her tongue out at me. She shuts the door and then she gone. I just shake my head in disbelieve. "I enjoyed it." and "That's all you get." Is she serious? I wanted to give her the best first time of her life and that's how she thanks me? Unbelievable. ... But surprisingly, that just makes me love her even more. I don't know why. Don't judge me. Love can make people stupid, okay? And it happened to me. I fall back onto the mattress and cross my hands behind my head, while starring up at the ceiling. What are Rebecca and I now? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Still just friends? Or even friends with benefits? I have no idea! I'm gonna ask her, when she gets out of the bathroom. It's so silent, till I hear weird noises coming from the bathroom. I jump up, put on some boxers and go towards the bathroom door. I hold my ear against the door before I knock softly.

Ross: Rebecca, are you okay? Do you need anything? Any help?

Rebecca: I'm pretty you do not want to come in here now and hold my hair.

I open the door and see Rebecca leaning over the toilet throwing p all her guts. I go over to her and hold her hair so it won't get dirty, while I run my hand slowly over her back to calm her down. After some more minutes she looks up. She flushes the toilet, brushes her teeth and afterwards she sits down on the closed toilets seat. She looks exhausted. I just continue starring at her, till she breaks the awkward silence.

Rebecca: ... Ross?

I hesitate. I'm pretty sure I know what she's gonna ask and I do NOT want to see her reaction to my answer.

Ross: ... Yeah?

Rebecca: ... Last night ... in ... you know. ... The heat of the moment. ... Did you ... think about ... you know ... using protection?

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