Chapter 19 II One Time

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Chapter 19

Five days later

Ross' POV

Ross: You okay?

I slowly guide Rebecca through the door into our apartment, while Mrs. Andrews follows us with our cute little bundle of joy in her arms.

Rebecca: Ross, I'm fine. Stop worrying.

Ross: I have every right to be worried. You've been in a coma for over three months.

Rebecca: And now I'm awake and I feel great.

She stands up on her tippy toes and kisses my cheek slightly before she walks over to the couch and sits down. I just smile, while I watch Rebecca, how she's picking at her messy hair. She's so cute. I suddenly feel someone tuck on my arm. I turn around and look at a smiling Mrs. Andrews.

Mrs. Andrews: Ross, if you want to spend some time with Rebecca, then I can take care of Maya.

Ross: Oh no. You don't have to. I will-.

Mrs. Andrews: Ross, I'm being serious. You finally have your girl back and I can see in your eyes that you want some alone time with her.

I look down while blushing a little bit. She knows me so well.

Ross: ... I ... I really do.

Mrs. Andrews: See? So go. Enjoy some time together without anyone around. It's just you and her.

Ross: And you're really okay with taking care of Maya?

Mrs. Andrews: Of course, son. I'm her godmother and I want to spend some time with this little cutie here.

I show a short smile.

Ross: Thank you so much.

Mrs. Andrews: That's not a problem at all, Ross. Maya can sleep over and tomorrow morning I'll bring her over again.

Mrs. Andrews pats my shoulder lightly before she walks over to our bed and places Maya on top. Afterwards, she grabs a bag and throws some clothes and some toys in it before picking Maya up again and walking towards the exit.

Mrs. Andrews: So my sweetie, so goodbye to your daddy and mommy.

Rebecca: Where are you guys going?

Mrs. Andrews: Maya is sleeping over at mine. You don't have to worry. You two make yourself a lovely evening and I'll spend some quality time with my goddaughter.

She pinches Maya cheek lightly while my little girl scrunches up her nose and moves her face away. She's so cute.

Ross: Alright, princess. You're gonna stay with auntie Moni and I want you to be a good girl, alright?

I'm pretty sure she doesn't really understand what I was saying. She just tilts her head to the side slightly and look with her big brown eyes at me. I shake my head and release a short laugh before kissing her head softly, causing her to giggle. From day to day, I just love my little girl more. Rebecca comes next to me and also kisses her head before pinching her nose lightly. Once again, she pushes her head back and with her tiny hands she starts to push Rebecca's finger away, causing us all to laugh.

Rebecca: Bye sweetheart. Don't miss me too much.

Mrs. Andrews: Bye guys. Enjoy your evening.

And with that the two are gone. I hear some shuffling behind me and when I turn around I see how Rebecca throws herself on the couch again. I shake my head at her.

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