Chapter 16 II Pray

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Chapter 16

Ellington's POV

The door closes behind Ross, when he entered the room with the sleeping newborns. Rydel grabs my hand and pulls me towards the big window, so we have a good look onto Ross and the nurse. I hear footsteps behind us, meaning that the middle aged woman probably followed us. She stands next to me and looks at Ross with a smile on her face.

Ellington: Excuse me ma'am, but may I ask how you know Ross?

Mrs. Andrews: Oh how rude of me. Sorry dear. My name is Monica Andrews. I live in the apartment next to Ross and Rebecca.

Ellington: And how did you contact them? Like, was it just a sudden meeting or what?

Mrs. Andrews: Well, I've known Rebecca basically since she moved in, after her parents abandoned her.

Rydel: They abandoned her?! That poor girl.

Mrs. Andrews: Yeah, since then I've basically been a mother to Rebecca. And when she brought Ross home, I knew from the beginning on that this was not the last time he'd be here.

Ellington: What do you mean?

A small smirk appears on Mrs. Andrews face as she continues talking.

Mrs. Andrews: I saw from the first moment on that they had a special connection towards each other. I just knew one day they'll end up together.

I hear a few giggles escaping from Rydel's mouth and I smile at the lady. She turns back to the glass and stares through it. Rydel and I also turn our gazes back on Ross and now we see how the nurse his handing him over a small human being in a pink blanket. ... His child. ... His daughter. ... I still can't believe he's a dad. I would've never guessed that he'd be the first Lynch to conceive new life, but I'm still happy for him. He found a girl he loves and he continued living, even though it must have been hard at first. I'm kinda overthinking whether the Lynch's will ever be a full loving family. I mean, they never will be because Ryland is gone, but I'm wondering if Rocky and his parents will ever accept him again. While I'm deep in thought about that topic, I see from the corner of my eye, that Rydel walks around me towards Mrs. Andrews. I turn my head to the females and see how Rydel places her hand on Mrs. Andrews shoulder to get her attention. She looks at Rydel's hand first, then at her face with a confused expression.

Rydel: ... Thank you for taking care of my baby brother. ... It really means a lot.

Her confused face turns into a reassuring smile and she slightly pats Rydel's hand on her shoulder.

Mrs. Andrews: No problem dear. He's a very special kid.

Rydel sends her a smile back and goes back to her old place, while intertwining our fingers together and leaning her head onto my shoulder. In that moment, we see how the little bundle on Ross' chest wraps its small hand around his finger and I can hear a small "aw" escaping Rydel's mouth. Ross hands his little child back to the nurse and she places the baby gently into the crib again. Afterwards she turns towards Ross with a pen and clipboard. We can't say what he says, but all we can see his the small smile that is playing around his mouth. The nurse writes it down and after she placed the clipboard on the table next to the crib, she follows Ross outside. The nurse leaves into another direction, while Ross just walks past us with a smile on his face. Rydel instantly pulls me with her and seconds later we reach Ross in the waiting room.

Rydel: So Ross? How's your little baby girl?

Ross: How do you know it's a girl?

Rydel: We saw the pink blanket. We had a 50-50 chance of guessing correctly.

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