Chapter 29 II Crazy

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Chapter 29

Ross' POV

With thousand thoughts on my mind, I walk along the sidewalk towards the old hide out, where I'm supposed to meet the guys. What if something goes wrong? What if it was all just a prank and Maya isn't really with them? Oh god, I can't even thing about it. But at least I heard her laughing in the background, so that was a good sign. I wrap my jacket tighter around my body and place my hand on top of the envelope with money. Please god, let everything go well. When I turn around the corner, I can already the see the familiar little house from far. I stop for a second and just look at it. There they are. With my daughter. This just has to go well. A take a deep breath and walk towards the building and the closer I come to more I can already voices from inside. When I stand in front of the door, I hesitate for a second. Should I knock? Just go in? First of all, I press my ear against the wooden door, only to hear some male voices cooing, following by a little girl's giggles. Okay, this is probably the right address. I decide I'm not gonna knock, instead I just open the door slowly and step in and after I close the door behind my I lean with my back against it. Now I can finally see the faces that put me through so much trouble. The faces, who hurt me purposely. After they heard me enter, they all look at me with a smugly grin on their faces.

?: Well, hello Ross. I'm glad you could make it.

Ross: ... So it was you.

?: What, no hello? No hi? No how are you?

Ross: I'm not here for small talk. I want my daughter back. Here's the money.

I'm about to grab the envelope from my inner pocket, but one of the guys stops me.

?: Hold on, hold on. Before we come to the formal aspects, we thought you maybe wanna know why we did that, right?

Ross: Not really. I just wanna leave with my daughter.

?: But it's not that easy. We wanna tell you. Come here.

I continue standing at the door, till someone comes to my side and pushes me towards the broken couch in the middle of the room.

?: So Ross. ... What do you see here?

The guys points towards the rest of the guys in the room and they just grin at me.

Ross: Nothing much. Just my two enemies cooperating together, so they can torture me.

?: We're close, Ross. Very close. We better start from the beginning.

Ross: What the heck is this here?! We had a deal for god's sake! I just-.

I'm about to stand up, when I feel something getting poked in my back, followed by a clicking noise. I don't even have to turn around to know what it is. Without saying anything else, I sit down again, still with the feeling of the gun pointed at me.

?: Now. ... Let's start all over, shall we? Here is reason number one. ... Do you still remember Justin?

My eyes wide and I look at the guys, who suddenly appears from the background and stands now in front of me with a mischievous look on his face.

Ross: ... You.

Justin: Hey Blondie. Long time no see. But I told you that we'd meet one day again.

I don't know what to say. I know Justin is an ass, but I would've never guessed that he's capable of kidnapping a one month old baby.

Justin: Well, I see you're speechless, so I'm just gonna start. Do you still remember kindergarten? It was the best time ever right? Me and you. Best friends. We basically did everything together. Then came elementary school. Also there we were inseparable, also after they put us in different classes. Do you remember these times?

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