Chapter 10 II Face To Face

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Chapter 10

Ross' POV

Rebecca: Ross, you really didn't have to come.

We're walking through the drugstore right now, looking for a pregnancy test. I know, Rebecca said I didn't have to come and to be honest I actually do not want to be here right now, but I also told her that I'll always be there for her, so that's why I'm walking through the drugstore right now with no plan what so ever. But it seems that Rebecca doesn't have a plan either. We're standing in front of this huge shelf with thousands and thousands of pregnancy test. Are they serious? Why can't they just make one?

Ross: No. like I already told you. I'm always there for you. I'd do anything for you. Even if it means standing with no orientation in front of a shelf with pregnancy test. I mean, seriously? There like thousands of these things. Some green, some purple, others plain white? How do we know which one is good enough to just tell us if you're pregnant or not?

Rebecca: Babe, calm down. I'm pretty sure they can all tell me if I'm pregnant or not.

Ross: No, we have to think about it. We could buy the cheap version, but it could say you're not pregnant, even though you are. Or we could buy the expensive version, but there I don't know what other nonsense would come with it and I do NOT spend 20 dollars on a pregnancy test just because it passed the product test and is now product of the year.

Rebecca places her hands on my shoulders and tries to calm down. I take some deep breaths.

Rebecca: Ross, I'm serious. Calm down. Just pick one and we'll be fine.

Ross: You know what? I don't want to pick one. You're gonna pick one. I'll trust you, even when you pick on for 20 dollars or even when you just go after the color of the package. Just pick one please, so we can go home.

Rebecca chuckles when she sees my exhausted face. I haven't even been here for 10 minutes and I'm already nagging. Rebecca runs her hands through my messy blond hair.

Rebecca: Okay, how about this. I'm gonna pick out the test and you go over there to these chairs, sit down and wait. Maybe I'll ask someone here for help. Alright?

Ross: Alright. Do you have at least something for entertainment with you?

Rebecca starts to rummage through her bag, till she pulls out a book. I groan when I see the title.

Ross: Seriously? "Pride & Prejudice"? Don't you have something better?

Rebecca: Hey, this happens to be my favorite book. And why are you now so moody anyway? It's like YOU'RE pregnant.

Ross: Haha very funny.

I stick out my tongue at her and she just grins at me.

Rebecca: That's why I'm laughing. ... Come on Ross. Give it a try. And if you don't totally dig it, I'll buy you a mango smoothie.

Ross: I do love mangos.

Rebecca: Then you're gonna win either way.

(Note: Sorry, I HAD TO put this short dialogue into it. It just fit so perfectly into the moment ;) )

I smile at her adorableness. I roll my eyes and take the book.

Ross: Alright, I'll give it a try, but just because I kinda like you.

I go towards the chairs, but turn around again to look at Rebecca's priceless shocked face.

Rebecca: Kinda like me?

Ross: Just kidding. Love you babe.

I blow her an air kiss, but she doesn't bother catching it. She just waves her hand at me in a condescending way.

Rebecca: Yeah yeah whatever.

I shake my head at her and head over to the chairs. I settle down and start reading "Pride & Prejudice". I read out the first line.

Ross: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.".

I groan. Great. First line and I understand nothing. You're asking why I'm reading it, even though I don't even get the first line. Well, when you're in love with someone you do things for your partner you actually wouldn't do. I'm only doing this for Rebecca because she said this is her favorite book. Okay, here goes the second line.

Rebecca's POV

Ross was right. How am I gonna chose? There are so many! I look confused at them and suddenly grab two of them. Okay, I admit it, I went after the color of the package. I now have a green package and a pink one. I would pick the pink one because I like pink, but it costs 10 dollars, but otherwise the green one just costs 5 dollars, but green isn't such a great color. I hold up the pink one, but put it down again and now hold up the green one, then putting it down again. This is so frustrating. I look over to Ross and I can't believe what I see. He's really reading the book! I was actually just joking when I told him that was my favorite book. I just grabbed it randomly. Well, it seems like he's only reading it for me because he does look concentrated. I can't blame him. It's really hard to understand. He's so sweet, isn't he? Okay, back to the main problem: Green or pink? I release a little squeal and I didn't even recognize that a blond girl (outfit on the side) is standing next to me with a slight grin on her face.

?: Dilemma?

Rebecca: You tell me. Why do they make so many of them?

? *giggles*: No idea. ... You maybe need help to decide?

Rebecca: That would be really helpful.

?: Alright. If I was you I would go with the pink one.

Rebecca: Why?

?: Because my mom gave birth to five kids. She always bough this test and it always told her the truth. And it's pink and pink is my favorite color.

I smile at the giggly girl in front of me. I place the green pregnancy test back into the shelf.

Rebecca: Thank you. That really helped.

?: No problem. I love helping people because then I can always meet new people.

Rebecca: I'm Rebecca, by the way.

?: I'm Rydel. Nice to meet you.

Rydel and I start a nice conversation about fashion etc., but then suddenly Ross appears next to me with an exhausted expression on his face while holding the book towards me.

Ross: Babe, I really tried, but I failed on the fifth page. I really tried, I swear. I-.

Ross suddenly stops talking and his eyes wide when he sees Rydel standing next to me. Her expression also froze and she places her hand in front of her mouth. I don't know what happened right now, but I just look confused at these two. Do they know each other?

Ross' POV

I close the book and start walking back to Rebecca. She's still standing in front of the big shelf with the pregnancy tests and she's talking to a blond girl. I go over to her and hand her the book back.

Ross: Babe, I really tried, but I failed on the fifth page. I really tried, I swear. I-.

Suddenly no more words come out of my mouth when I recognize the blond girl standing next to Rebecca. My eyes wide. No, she can't be-. Is this really-. ... My big sis. Rydel Mary Lynch. When she sees me, she gasps and places her hand in front of her mouth. Tears start building in her eyes. I never thought this day would come again, but now that it's here I still can't believe it. I never thought I'm gonna see one of my family members face to face again.

Ross: R-Rydel?


dun dun duuuuuunnnn!!!!!! Okay, yeah i know it was kinda obvious, wasn't it? anyway, I FINALLY UPDATED AGAIN!!! NO MORE WRITER'S BLOCK!! so get ready for the next chapter coming soon. I'm also trying to update "Bonnie & Clyde" again.


Love you <3<3<3

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