Chapter 21 II I

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Chapter 21

Ellington's POV

After Ross and I both hang up, I place Rydel's phone back on her nightstand und lay down again. I know I cannot sleep anymore. Not after this conversation. I feel so sorry for Ross. He just got his little family back together and not even 24 hours later it's all breaking down again. I place my hands behind my head and stare at the ceiling. So many questions are running through my brain right now and I can't answer any of them. What if they don't agree? What if we don't get the 5,000? What if we can't save them? Oh god I don't even wanna think about it. After all, little Maya is my niece and Mrs. Andrews basically did everything to help Ross and Rebecca. We just have to get them out there alive. I turn around and look at my clock. 7:36 am. They're still all asleep, but I have to get up now. I push the covers away and swing my legs over the edge. I grab my t-shirt from the floor and put it on and with shirt and boxers on, I exit the room and walk downstairs into the kitchen. I grab a glass from the cabinet and the box of orange juice from the fridge. I pour myself a glass and sit down on the kitchen island with the glass in my hand. While taking a few sips I start to think of the right words I can say to convince the guys to help us with the show. I know that there's no R5 without Riker and Rocky. Riker will maybe agree, but I'm not so sure about Rocky. I just have to think positive. I'm about to take another sip, when I hear noises coming from the hallway, followed by a tired looking Riker entering the kitchen.

Ellington: Morning.

Riker releases a little shriek and jumps back lightly. I guess he wasn't expecting me.

Ellington: Relax, it's just me.

Riker: What are you doing here so early?

Ellington: Couldn't sleep anymore.

Riker: Weird.

Ellington: Why?

Riker: You're usually the one who gets up last.

I roll my eyes and watch him as he goes to the fridge and grabs the carton of milk. He opens the cap and takes a huge sip from it. I scrunch my nose up in disgust as he takes another big gulp.

Ellington: You know there are glasses in the cabinet, right?

Riker: You know its 7:45 am right? At this time I don't use glasses.

He places the carton back in the fridge and comes to me side.

Riker: Did Rydel already leave?

Ellington: Yeah, around 45 minutes ago.

There's an awkward silence, which usually never happens. We're just standing next to each other and none of us say something, till Riker's voice finally fills the silence.

Riker: Well, I better get back to bed and sleep for a few more hours.

Ellington: Alright.

He turns around and is about to leave, when I remember. It's better to talk to him now, when we're alone instead of us being surrounded by the whole family. He's already in the hallway, when I jump off the kitchen island and hold him back.

Ellington: Riker, wait.

Riker: Yeah?

Ellington: Listen, there's something really important I have to talk with you about.

Riker: Oh no, you did not get Rydel pregnant did you?

Ellington: No. Of course not. Don't worry. Come on. We better sit down.

While I grab his arm and lead him over to the table, I can clearly see how his expression turns from eager to confused. He sits down and I can see in his eyes that he wants me to start.

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