Chapter Two. Don't Leave Me

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Warnings: swearing, mental breakdown, major character death, violence, etc.

"Joonie? "

That single voice. It was enough for Namjoon to look up. The first movement he made since thirty-five hours. That sweet familiar voice was enough.

The waiting room was dark, since it was almost midnight and most of the lights had been turned off. The only sounds that could be heard in the otherwise silent room were the soft snores escaping Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok and the ticking of the clock on the wall.

But Namjoon wasn't aware of anything but the ethereal figure of the love of his life glowing like the moon in the darkness of the night.

He couldn't believe his eyes. He had known Jin to be struggling to survive the terrible accident he had. He knew that he was fighting between life and death... but now he was here in front of him, proving all the incidents that took place several hours before false, and he was still as beautiful as ever, totally unharmed.

"J-Jin." Namjoon's voice was hoarse, both from not talking for a long time and from strong emotions.

His moon was here, completely unhurt. Safe. And seeing him okay made him forget all the pain and hopelessness he'd felt while waiting outside.

Namjoon couldn't help but notice how ethereal Jin looked in the darkness. His dark hair was long and fluffy, small curly locks framing his smooth beautiful face. His dark doe eyes were shining and the contented look in them made him calm as well. Jin's plump lips were parted slightly as he looked back at Namjoon, his head slightly tilted.

Jin was dressed completely in white. The soft material hung from his bare and beautiful wide shoulders, and hugged his slender body perfectly, and fell just above his knees. A long white robe hung from around his waist, partially covering his slim legs.

He looked so innocent... so pure... like he always did.

"Joonie," he said sweetly again, before taking slow steps towards him, making no sound at all.

Namjoon could say nothing, too captivated by his loveliness. He could never get enough of Jin, specially now. He always found his beauty out of the world, but now, after fearing that he'd lose him forever, he found himself cherishing him more than he ever did.

He only snapped out of his daze once Jin came right in front of him and placed a small soft hand on his cheek, caressing it. And Namjoon felt like he got heaven to himself.

"You're okay," He breathed, leaning to Jin's touch and holding his delicate hand in his much bigger one.

Jin smiled, and Namjoon knew that he'd never get over how beautiful the smile was.

"I'm more than okay, sweetheart," he said in a voice that was like honey to his lover's ears. "I'm content with how my life was. The only regrets that I have are the pain and sadness I've caused all of you. I'm so sorry, Joonie."

Both of them looked around at the three sleeping figures behind Namjoon. Taehyung and Jungkook were cuddled next to each other, and Hoseok was using the armrest of the farthest chair to rest his head on.

Sighing, Namjoon looked back at Jin whose smile had faltered, replaced by a sad expression. It broke Namjoon's heart.

"Don't be sorry, Jinnie," he told him, closing his eyes as his hands circled Jin's waist, hugging him gently, as if afraid he might break if he hugged too tightly.

"It's not your fault, everything that'd happened. You couldn't have stopped it. Just... just please don't make me fear losing you ever again. It's so painful, love. So painful. I can't take it, Jin. I can't take the pain of losing you."

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