Chapter Fifty. Blood, Sweat And Tears

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Warnings⚠️⚠️⚠️: swearing, physical abuse, violence, blood and gore, mental and physical pain, attempt of murder, etc.

Jin's hands finally got a grip on the ones choking him, and despite how his body shook from the inability to breathe, he kicked the man between the legs with the remaining strength he had.

That was the last straw. Jin had no respect left for this man. He didn't deserve it.

Jin's father let go of his throat with a pained scream, falling onto the table with a loud thud and sending the things on top of it crashing onto the ground, the glass containers smashing into pieces and their contents spilling everywhere.

Meanwhile, Jin gasped loudly as he stumbled back against the wall, holding onto it to stay upright while his other hand massaged his throat as he sucked in deep breaths, chest heaving up and down with each one. There were tears in his eyes, but that was the last thing he was worried about.

Seeing the other man struggling to get up, groaning, Jin started to move away while groping around, trying not to give his weak state and pain any thought. He'd to get help if he'd to stay alive. His phone was just a few feet away.

Unfortunately, the fallen man had seen through him, and being too much in agony, he picked up a butter knife lying on the table. His last bit of sanity seemed to have left him as he threw the knife across the room at his own son with a scream of anger.

Jin saw the knife coming straight at him, but he moved away too late, resulting with the sharp object leaving a deep cut on the side of his head. Blood painted the wall behind him red as he collapsed onto the floor again with a painful cry.

Jin squeezed his eyes shut as he put his wounded head in his hands, blood seeping through the cracks between his fingers and trickling down his arms. This was pain he'd never felt, and everything hurt so much that he couldn't even cry. He couldn't take it anymore. His world seemed to be crumbling to dust around him.

The monster across the room reached him again, and a piercing scream ripped Jin's throat when his head was pulled back by the hair again. Jin squirmed as his father hovered above him, panting as he tried to endure the indescribable amout of pain all over his body right now.

Jin's eyes were only half-open, feeling weak from all the blood he was losing, when he saw his father's attempt to stab him in the chest, and he jerked his body to one side before the knife could touch his chest. However, it slashed Jin's side, making the boy let out another blood-curdling scream.

Throughout all these, despite losing so much blood and going through so much pain, and knowing that there was nobody to rescue him since he didn't have any neighbors, Jin was still determined to make it out alive without giving up hope.

He had to make it. For Namjoon. For Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. For his mother. And for all those he was dear to. He didn't want to leave any of them behind. He didn't want them to suffer, to be in pain. He was going to fight till the very end, even if it meant he died in the process. He at least had to try.

As the monster above him snarled and tried to stab him again, Jin grabbed onto the blade before it could go through his heart, and even after it cut deeply into his palm, causing it to sting like never before, and blood to drop onto his already bloody hand, he held onto it with his remaining strength.

Jin's father growled, slapping him and punching him in the deep bloody cut across his side to get him to loosen his grip around the knife, but nothing worked. Despite his hand shaking from the effort of keeping the knife away from his chest, Jin held onto it as much as he could. He was numb to the pain. All that mattered was making it out alive.

Suddenly, Jin kneed the man in the groin again, causing him to grunt and fall off of him, dropping the knife. Jin ignored the blood oozing from the wounds of his head, arms and body,  and got into his knees, grabbing the knife the other had dropped.

The older man looked up at Jin with fear, and when he saw the cold and blank look on his son's face as his hand gripped tightly on the bloody knife, he knew that it was the end.

He grinned forcefully, betrayed by the fear that overcame his senses. "J-Jin. My d-dear son, y-you're not going to kill your own father, r-right?"

Jin chuckled bitterly, his pale face, so splattered with blood, holding a very sinister expression. "I've not stooped that low like you have, 'Appa'," he said without stuttering, despite how much agony he was in.

Before the older man could say anything, Jin hit him in the head with the butt of the knife. Hard. So hard that he knocked him out completely.

Jin stared coldly as his father slumped on his face onto the floor, and the knife slipped from the boy's wounded hand and onto the ground as well, clattering before going as still as the man it'd previously been held by.

Then suddenly, now that the monster was finally unconscious and was unable to harm him now, the adrenaline was gone and dizziness hit Jin full in the face. Despite all the pain and how his whole body was swaying dangerously from weakness due to loss of blood, he crawled slowly to his phone, and leaning against the wall, his face contorted and more tears mixing his blood and sweat, he called Namjoon.

"Hiii, hyung! I thought you were not gonna call me till the end of exams? Did you miss me that much?" The younger's voice was teasing over the phone.

His beloved's deep voice sounded so soothing when he picked up, and Jin sniffled because he felt that he'd never appreciated how beautiful the voice really was till now.

"I m-miss you, Joo-Joonie," he whispered longingly, fighting to stay awake. He'd to tell him something, in case- in case he didn't make it. It already hurt so much to continue breathing.

Namjoon immediately seemed to realize that something was wrong when he heard how weak Jin sounded, and his voice turned worried and nearly panicking. "Jin hyung?! What- what's wrong?! Are you okay?!"

"M-my father... nearly killed me," Jin choked out, throwing his head back as he struggled to suck in as much oxygen as he could. "L-listen-"

"Fuck!" Namjoon swore loudly, sounding extremely fearful now. "D-don't worry, baby. I'm coming. I'm coming for you, sweetheart. Hold in there. Wait for me! W-wait for Joonie, hyung!"

"J-Joonie," Jin sobbed painfully, squirming in unbearable pain, blood all around him on the floor. "I-If s-s-something h-happens to m-me... R-remember... Remember that I love you."

Namjoon was crying too. "I l-love you too, my Prince. I love you so much! Please, please hold o-on for me!"

"I'm sorry, my love." Jin felt tears still dropping from his cheeks and onto his cuts as black dots appeared in his vision, his phone beginning to slip from his hand as his body started to give up from pain and exhaustion.

The last thing he heard before everything went black was the banging of doors from Namjoon's side and his frantic voice screaming for Yoongi and Taehyung.

It hurt so much worse. Hearing his lover's frightened voice the last thing before he probably never gained consciousness again... It was worse than all the pain he'd gone through all his life.

°°°♡ °°°

Words: 1300

Please don't kill me ToT

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