Chapter Forty- Six. Your Existence Is My Best Gift

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"I wanna die, Joonie. Our exams start only in nine days. Nine days! How am I supposed to live?!"

Jin sighed in frustration as he walked up to the doorstep of his house with Namjoon. As he said, their exams started on fourteenth December, which was nine days away. Stress from hours of studying and revising was kicking in, and Jin was so worried about it that he'd forgotten that it was a special day, fourth of December.

The other boys didn't forget though, but they'd decided to pretend that they did.

Internally smiling as he thought about the surprise he'd prepared with the other boys, Namjoon hugged Jin to his side and kissed his puffy cheek.

"We'll survive, hyung. Just think of what we'd do after we graduate. Also, I don't think it was wise of you to tell me about your weakness. We are rivaling for the first place, remember?"

Jin pouted, but his lips were out of view because of the woolen scarf Namjoon had wrapped around his neck so that he was warm. "But you're my boyfriend too! You should console me!"

"Oh, baby, the world isn't always fair, you know?" Namjoon smirked at him, earning a smack upside the head, but wearing a beanie didn't let him feel the whole impact.

"I hate youuuuu!"

Jin huffed, punching his gloved fist against Namjoon's shoulder, causing the latter to laugh and look at him endearingly, unaffected. His punches were more loving and gentle than painful.

"I hate you too."

Jin stopped, looking at Namjoon with utter shock. "What?!"

The purple-haired shrugged, amused by the other's reaction. "Well, that was what you said to me. We're even now."

"Okay, okay, fine," Jin looked away with a scoff, reaching the front door.

Namjoon looked at him, starting to get worried because Jin looked quite upset. He regretted what he'd said to him instantly, and pulled him into his arms, literally squashing his face to his chest to try to make up.

"I'm so, so sorry," Namjoon said, panicking as he kissed all over Jin's face. "I didn't mean to say that. I love you sooo much, hyung. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

Jin was confused when Namjoon started hugging and kissing him out of nowhere, but then he understood that his faked scowl had done it’s work.

So, he pulled away from the younger and giggled, booping the latter's nose as he grinned widely. "Gotcha."

Leaving Namjoon bemused, he went to unlock the main entrance door with a smile, and then both of them got in.

"I thought I upset you for real," Namjoon said in a whiny tone as he closed the door behind them.

"You thought," Jin laughed as he went to switch on the lights after both of them had taken off their warm clothes, but then he froze when he heard a strange noise, frowning afterwards. "Joonie, did you hear that?"

Namjoon played dumb. "Hear what, Jinnie?"

"I think I heard something," Jin looked worried as he looked around the place. "It was probably- Aaahhhhhh!"

The dark-haired male let out a high-pitched shriek, triggered by a short but loud boom that echoed around the room after he'd turned on the lights. He threw himself into Namjoon's arms and tried to hide in their embrace, while the latter laughed, holding him by the waist and saying, "Hyung, calm down."

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