Chapter Thirty. I'd Rather Suffer With You

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Warnings: Swearing, physical and mental abuse, blood, etc.

"Hi, Joonie!"

Namjoon turned on his spot and saw the guy from the room across his approaching him again like the other day.

"Don't call me that," he told him, trying not to be harsh but it was hard. Only Jin called him Joonie.

"Why not?" The guy tilted his head once he'd reached him. "It's cute!"

Namjoon hadn't seen the guy in a while, and the last time he'd seen him, his hair was dark instead of pink. It reminded him of the time Jin had dyed his hair pink and how cute he looked. This guy was honestly beautiful, a head shorter than him and small and petite with big brown eyes and pouty lips, but he was nowhere near Jin. He'd never be Jin.

"Only my Jinnie calls me Joonie," he told his neighbor. "I don't want to hear you call me that."

"But isn't he dead?" The guy asked, a little confused. "Shouldn't you be using past tense?"

Namjoon clenched his teeth together so as not to yell at the pink-haired guy and trigger him into having a panic attack, because he knew that he wasn't asking him those questions to rile him up. He just didn't know that he was touching an wounded spot and was merely curious.

"I'm a bit tired right now," he lied. "I'll go take a nap. Talk to you later."

"Okay," the guy smiled. "Bye, Namjoon."

He stood up on his tip toes and kissed Namjoon's cheek before he could react and rushed out of the place, probably shy. Namjoon just rolled his eyes, totally unaffected. He'd had people hitting on him ever since he'd arrived here, even some therapists, despite the fact that he was 'mentally ill'.

He was tired of people chasing after him because of his looks and sometimes wished he was uglier. He didn't care about beauty, heath and money as long as Jin loved him. And Jin's love was unconditional, just like his love for him.

He went to his room and threw himself into Jin's arms immediately.

"Jinnie, someone hit on me again!" He whined like a little child as he buried his face in Jin's lap, the older sitting on the bed with his legs tucked under him, Namjoon sprawled out on top of him.

"Aigoo, is someone a he or she or they?" Jin said with a giggle, brushing the younger's hair with his fingers.

"It's that guy across me. Again." Namjoon looked up at him with a pout.

"Is he cute?"

"He's nothing compared to you," Namjoon said firmly. "He's not cute like you, beautiful like you, smart like you, kind like you, or perfect like you."

"You're just being a meanie," Jin smiled, reaching down and pecking his forehead. "I'm sure he was gorgeous."

"Why aren't you getting angry? You should get angry and hug me tight and say that I'm only yours!" Namjoon's pout grew bigger.

"Because I'm happy as long as you're happy, Joonie. I love you so much that I'd still be happy for you if you loved someone else."

"I'm never loving anyone like I love you," Namjoon told him, hugging him tightly as he hid his face in his lap again. "You've only ever loved me, so I'll only ever love you, because nobody can love me the way you do. So, shut up and accept the fact that you'll be stuck with me forever since I'll never let you go."

"If that's what my stubborn koala wants."

Jin giggled cutely, lying back on the bed as Namjoon caged him in his arms, engulfing him almost completely. Jin was tall but Namjoon was much taller and bigger, a lot more muscular.

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