Chapter Sixty- Eight. Lonely

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Warnings: swearing, mention of mental illness and hallucination, depression, etc.

"Hyung, did you notice something?" Jungkook whispered to Taehyung as they sat together at the kitchen table.

"Notice what, Kookie?" Taehyung asked, his ear close to Jungkook's mouth as they talked quietly.

"Jimin, Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung," Jungkook answered, nodding at the mentioned trio in front of them, who had their backs turned to the youngest two as they did the dishes after breakfast together.

Taehyung followed his boyfriend's gaze and watched the older three carefully. He noticed the little glances, touches and bashful smiles they shared with one another, and he seemed to finally catch on with what Jungkook was trying to indicate.

"Kookie, do you think they like Hobi hyung?" He asked him, a little unsure, but more interested about the subject.

"That's what I've been suspecting ever since they arrived," Jungkook replied, entwining his hand with his boyfriend's on the table as they gazed at one another. "Do you think distance has caused feelings to bloom?"

"Mmhm, I think so," Taehyung answered with a thoughtful frown. "They haven't said anything to hint that, though."

The youngest couple continued to watch the older three converse with careful eyes, until they started talking to them as well, bringing freshly dried plates to the table.

"I still can't believe it took just a few months for y'all to change!" Hoseok exclaimed, and then pouted, ruffling Taehyung's now blonde hair. "Specially, Jungkookie. You've grown so big and buff. Like... Wow."

"He's grown his hair just like Yoongi hyung has done, too," Jimin piped in.

"Yahhh... does it matter that I've grown older?" Jungkook asked with a pout, looking mostly as Hoseok and Yoongi. "I'm still your bunny Koo, aren't I?"

"Mmhm, whatever keeps you happy, you muscle bunny," Hoseok chuckled, ruffling Jungkook's hair as they all sat down to converse about life while they'd been staying at different places apart from one another.

"I'm so glad you've improved this much, Mimi," Taehyung said to his soulmate, putting his head on his shoulder. "I'm happy that I have you back. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Tae Tae," Jimin said with a smile and a contented sigh, kissing his forehead. "At least we're finally together again."

"Mmhm." Taehyung grinned, closing his eyes.

"Excuse me, have you two forgotten me?" Jungkook asked, whining, and the older maknaes immediately reached out to hug him as they sat next to each other at the table, all of them giggling, happy at their reunion.

Hoseok and Yoongi watched the trio with fond smiles of their own, and they suddenly looked at each other when their eyes caught one another from the corner. They didn't avert their gaze, but the warmth and safeness they felt as they looked at one another had their cheeks heating up. They didn't know what was happening to them- or more like, Yoongi didn't know- but none brought up about it.

They had the others to focus on right now. They'd all feared that once they were back, life would become quiet and dark again, without their hyung to guide them, and were grateful that the reunion was filled with happiness. Jin was definitely looking after them from wherever he was right now.

What they were the most relieved about was Namjoon's reunion with them all. They'd hated it so much when he'd to stay at the psychiatric center for months, away from them, but at least he was back with them again.

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