Chapter Fifty- Two. Hope

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Warnings: swearing, mention of physical abuse and blood, etc.

"Namjoon, you really need to get some sleep," Hoseok said as he stood beside Namjoon and placed a hand on the younger's shoulder.

Namjoon simply looked terrible. His eyes were red and puffy, with dark circles underneath, all from crying that'd stopped for now.  As he kept his gaze fixed on Jin's lying figure on the hospital bed, he sat on a chair in front of him and held his fragile little hand, which had tubes injected into it.

It was nearly quarter past three in the morning, five hours later after Namjoon had been holding Jin in his arms at the latter's house's kitchen floor, crying his eyes out till the police arrived and the ambulance came to take Jin to the hospital.

Jin's father was unconscious too at that time, and was brought to the same hospital under strict security, before being taken away by the police for investigation once he'd woken up. This had happened at least two hours ago, and Namjoon was glad about that. He couldn't stand the thought of that monster being in the same place as Jin after what he'd done to him.

Namjoon had stayed by Jin's side the whole time he was driven to the hospital, and had Jin's life not been endangered, he'd have put up a big fight with the nurses and guards to be with him while he was being operated on.

However, he did stay right outside the door waiting for news, crying and hoping silently that Jin would be okay. There was a very nice lady with him in the waiting room, and she'd even given Namjoon something to drink while comforting him after hearing about his story.

Yoongi and Taehyung had met Namjoon moments later in the hospital with the other boys while Jin was being taken care of, all of their faces pale with fear and worry.

The first two had called Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok right after they'd informed the police about the situation and contacted the nearest hospital, because everyone deserved to know what'd happened to their hyung. Even though it was late at night, they'd all wanted to make sure Jin was okay, so Yoongi had driven everyone to the hospital in his van.

Namjoon had told them afterwards about what had happened from the beginning till end. He'd started shedding more tears while telling them about the injuries Jin had, how his body had been in a dangerous condition when he reached him, and that he needed multiple stitches for the deep cuts on his head, side and hand.

Honestly, everyone had started crying in the end because none of them liked to think about how much pain their hard-working and always positive hyung must've been through, and they'd stayed in a group hug to comfort one another for a long time, until Hoseok had brought up the fact that Jin was at least safe now, and his reassurance that their hyung would be all right had given them hope and made them stick to their resolution to be strong.

As they'd waited, Hoseok had called Jin's mother, since she knew him as a child and the best friend of her son, and let her know about what had happened to Jin and her arrested ex-husband. While Yoongi had walked restlessly around the waiting room, Taehyung had called his and Namjoon's uncle to let him know what they were upto, while Jungkook and Jimin had called their parents to inform what'd actually happened since they'd left home in a hurry without proper explanation.

At half past one, after a long time of waiting in the room outside for news about Jin's condition, the doctors had finally come out to assure them that he was finally stable. Also that he'd been cleaned, stitched and patched up, given the blood that he'd lost, but still too weak and fragile at the moment to gain consciousness. They'd also mentioned that there wasn't any permanent damage, but that Jin would need a lost of rest before he could wake up, and needed to have an IV drip connected to his hand.

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