Chapter Thirty- One. Loving Your Flaws

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Warnings: Swearing, etc.

Group members: Old uncle Yoongles 🙀, Baby bro 🐻, Bro-in-law 💪, Jamless kid ☺, Sunshine hyung 🌄

[A/N: these are what Namjoon had saved the boys' numbers as in his contacts]

Sexy brain 🔥
Sorry if I interrupted ur date but Jin's at my place rn
That bastard beat him up again

Old uncle Yoongles 🙀

Jamless kid ☺
No :(
He doesn't deserve this

Baby bro 🐻
Poor hyung
Is he okay?

Bro-in-law 💪
Wtf is wrong with that man??!!
Who tf treats their own son like this?!

Sunshine hyung 🌄
if Joon never told us we'd have never known this

Sexy brain 🔥
That's not the point rn
I asked him to move in w/ me but he's hesitant

Baby bro 🐻
Awww that's so sweet

Old uncle Yoongles 🙀
Yeah it'd be great if he stays w/ us

Sexy brain 🔥
But he doesn't want to

Bro-in-law 💪
He should tho
For his own safety

Jamless kid ☺
His so called father's beatings will get out of hand one day
And... I can't lose hyung

Sunshine hyung 🌄
He's so hard-working and selfless
We should at least keep him safe and take care of him when he needs help
He won't ever ask so we need to take the matter in our own hands

Sexy brain 🔥
He wanted some time
That's fine but...
He's so sad and I can't see him like this

Sunshine hyung 🌄
Take him out somewhere

Sexy brain 🔥
Like a datee?!?!?!?! 😶

Sunshine hyung 🌄
That's upto u 2 ig...

Jamless kid ☺
You should take him shopping!
He absolutely loves shopping tho he doesn't get much of a chance...

Bro-in-law 💪
And he likes food so...

Baby bro 🐻
So we're planning a date 4 jin and joon hyung too? Aww

Old uncle Yoongles 🙀
They could join us and it'd be a triple date...

Sunshine hyung 🌄
While my single ass will just chill at home eating Doritos and watching Netflix 😔

Jamless kid ☺
Awww dont fret Hobi hyung
We're gonna go on a special hang-out with u someday

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