Chapter Nine. Safe With You

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Warnings: swearing, mention of physical abuse and blood, etc.

"Wow, your house's huge!" Jin said in awe, his eyes big as Namjoon carried him up the front steps.

Namjoon chuckled. "I know it's huge, but not as huge as my co-"

"Not again," Jin groaned, but then broke into a series of helpless giggles, his face still on the other's shoulder, and arms wrapped around his neck.

Namjoon felt his heart skip a beat at hearing Jin laugh at him. He'd been used to rude remarks and sneers instead, and hearing Jin's laughter was an amazing change.

Jin had a strange and unique kind of laugh, but it was still cute and could make anyone laugh as well. Simply contagious. And beautiful. Namjoon decided that it was his most favorite sound in the world.

"You should laugh in my presence more, my prince," he said, his eyes on Jin. "You sound ethereal."

"How about a no?" Jin said, though his face had gone pink at the compliment.

He hadn't heard anything sweet like the things Namjoon said. People would go on and on about how sexy and hot he was... Whether he was good in bed or not... Everyone who had a crush on him always had sexual stuff to say about him... But Namjoon was different. He did tease him a lot, but he complimented him too, and those little things made him feel cherished.

"Then I'll be the reason of your laugher," Namjoon said honestly, reaching the door and struggling a little to open it.

"I can stand," Jin offered, his cheeks still burning from hearing what the other said.

"I'm fine," Namjoon assured, managing to unlock the door and kick it open.

He carried Jin inside, kicking the door back close behind him. The room was dark, almost pitch black.

"Are your parents or Taehyung home?" Jin asked nervously, tightening his grip around Namjoon. He didn't want anyone to see him like this.

"Taehyung's having a sleepover with Jimin. And we don't have parents," Namjoon added lightly, carefully walking in the dark, looking for the switches of the lights.

Jin fidgeted with his fingers that were clutching Namjoon's leather jacket, feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry," he said in a voice expressing genuine sadness.

On the other hand, Namjoon felt his chest tingle with warmth. This was the first time Jin had said something so sweetly to him. It made him euphoric.

"It's okay," Namjoon told him, finding the switches at last and turning on the dim lights. "I don't remember them anyways."

"You don't?" Jin asked, though his eyes were taking in the living room.

It was huge, two sides having brick walls, and two were of glass through which Jin could see the rooms within. Everything looked so aesthetically pleasing, with pretty wooden decorations, a few framed pictures... But Jin thought that he could make everything prettier if he had the chance.

Jin knew he was already in love with this warm and comfortable place, and he felt a pang when he knew he'd probably never live in a place like this... He barely could survive on the money he was sent by his eomma every month... his appa had made sure of that.

"Wow," was all that came out of Jin's mouth as he was carried inside, looking around at everything as Namjoon took him towards his room.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Namjoon grinned, thoroughly enjoying Jin's awed expression.

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