Chapter Forty- Eight. Sinful Innocence

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Warnings: swearing, nudity, slight smut, matured language, etc.

Jin's breathing grew heavier as Namjoon pulled his shorts down his hips painfully slow. One hand clutched onto a fistful of sheets while the other covered his eyes.

Jin was too aroused and needy to care about being naked in front of Namjoon, but it was those dark dragon eyes staring at him as the shorts were slipped down his legs, leaving his lower body completely bare. Jin gasped as his freed member came in contact with the cold air, and he instinctively tried to cover himself with his hand and by closing his thighs, a deep blush coating his cheeks.

He'd never shown so much of himself to anyone, and no matter what, he was insecure and worried about what the love of his life thought.

However, Namjoon took both of his hands in his gently and pried them away, holding them down on both sides of Jin's head on the pillow and squeezing them softly. Jin couldn't stop the whimper that escaped his dolly lips as the purple-haired male leaned down to kiss a path up the smooth skin of his neck. He took deep breaths in and out, Namjoon's soft and warm lips helping him to calm down, sinking submissively onto the pillows, small and needy underneath the large man looming over him.

The younger then put his mouth next to Jin's ear before whispering to him. "Don't hide yourself, love. Let me see and appreciate how beautiful you are."

When did this big flirt take lessons on being so romantic?!

Jin watched the other with big hooded eyes and crimson cheeks as Namjoon got on his knees between his legs, holding them apart with his large hands under his thighs, his dragon eyes staring into his soul. The dark-haired beauty gulped under the other's intense gaze, breathing becoming heavy again. Namjoon looked like he was going to eat Jin up right then, right there.

There was something about the younger's dominant aura that made Jin become even more turned on, and he whined softly, the heat building in his lower stomach becoming overwhelming and his cock throbbing painfully from the lack of friction that was needed to finally reach his climax.

Namjoon's eyes took in Jin from head to toe, wearing nothing but his loose white shirt, that'd ridden up so that his smooth tummy and belly button piercing were exposed.

"F-fuck," Namjoon said hoarsely, feeling his own erection throb in his shorts at the sight of Jin's soft pale skin and beautiful curves, his slim legs spread out before him, his member completely hard and red. It definitely hurt.

"You're so beautiful," Namjoon's voice was huskier than usual.

He looked up at his boyfriend, pushing his thighs back so that his knees were bent over and the purple-haired male could get better excess to Jin's hard cock, his face so close to it that Jin could feel his hot breath hitting him down there. This made him squirm and whine even more, but Namjoon held him in place from under his thighs.

"So fucking beautiful," he nearly growled, pulling Jin's legs over his shoulders and kissing the soft skin of his inner thigh, the latter's body jerking in response and shuddering, followed by whimpers between pants.

"J-Joonie," Jin's voice was broken.

Namjoon looked up at him, and in the midst of his now lust-filled eyes, there was care and love. "Yes, baby?"

He towered over him again, looking into Jin's teary eyes that were clouded with both pain and pleasure. His beautiful plump face was flushed, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, and his plump lips were swollen and red. Despite how sinful he looked with his mouth open as he breathed heavily, his doe eyes still looked as innocent as ever.

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