Chapter Five. Unpredictable Fate

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Warnings: Swearing, etc.

Eight months ago from present time...

"What do you think those two are gonna announce?" Yoongi asked, facing the other four with a serious expression, his arms crossed.

The other four thought for a while in silence as they sat next to each other on the carpet in their living room, watching Yoongi pace in front of them.

"They probably bought a house somewhere and are planning to tell us that they're moving out?" Hoseok suggested, tapping his chin thoughtfully.

"They wanna leave us?" Jungkook sounded surprised and worried. "No, I think Namjoon hyung's getting a promotion and they wanna celebrate it."

"They're probably adopting a doggie!" Taehyung said, giggling as he thought of his own.

"I think it's a baby!" Jimin squealed excitedly at the very thought.

Everyone except Yoongi stared at him, shocked by the news. "What?!"

"A... Baby?" Yoongi said calmly, rubbing his chin. Then he started nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, that's probably the reason... my goodness, Jiminie! You're a genius!"

"I am?" Jimin asked, confused as Yoongi swooped down on him, hugging him and pecking his red lips.

"No, he's just looking for excuses to make out with you," Jungkook said, grinning evilly.

"W-what?" Jimin pretended to become close to crying, his crescent eyes getting watery.

Jungkook continued to smirk, until Yoongi smacked him upside the head.

"Say one more rude thing to my baby, you fucking coconut head," he said threateningly, as Jimin grinned not-so-innocently from behind his boyfriend's shoulder at Jungkook.

Jungkook had no other option but to back off, scooting over closer to Taehyung. He sneakily reached out to take his hand in his, and Taehyung accepted it, squeezing it in his as they grinned at each other like love-sick teenagers.

"So... Namjoon and Jin are probably having a baby," Hoseok spoke up, tired of third-wheeling with Taehyung and Jungkook, and looking longingly at Jimin and Yoongi cuddling.

"That's why Joon and Jin hyung looked so nervous when they said they were going outside and told us to meet them at Serendipity's because they wanna make an announcement there," Jungkook said in realization, his eyes widening.

"That explains why he got angry out of nowhere and threw his spatula at you last night when you swore," Jimin smirked, shaking his head. "He's already baby-proofing the house."

"Jin hyung's always been like this," Jungkook argued.

Taehyung sprang up to his feet. "I'm gonna be an uncle!" He yelled, doing some kind of weird dance.

"We all are!" Hoseok corrected him, grinning widely once the information sank in.

"I can't wait to meet baby Joon or baby Jin," Jimin sighed. "I hope the baby is like Jin hyung. I'm sick of Joon hyung bullying me for not having jams... I don't want his baby version doing that too."

"You'll be okay," Yoongi assured him, kissing his temple, as Hoseok and Jungkook watched Taehyung prance around the room, the latter with a lovestruck look on his face.

°°°♡ °°°

"Don't stress yourself, babe. Everything's gonna be fine."

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