Chapter Fourteen. Things I Do For You

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Warnings: swearing, violence, blood, mental and physical abuse, fainting, etc.

"If his condition improves like this, he can return home within a few more months. He'll still have to take these new pills regularly, though. They have been working perfectly. The patient isn't facing hallucinations for a while now."

"That's a great news, ma'am," Namjoon heard his younger brother reply to what his therapist informed him. "Thank you."

"It's no problem, Mr Kim. We're glad we're managing to help your brother get over his trauma. It's a pity such a handsome and amazing young man had to go through so much."

"It was unexpected for everyone," he heard Jungkook say. "But we're doing our best to get over it. That's what our hyung would've wanted us to do."

Feeling sick, Namjoon stopped eavesdropping the youngest two converse with the therapist through the doorknob and walked back to his bed, sitting down with his shoulders slumped. At the same time, he was angry with everyone.

What did they mean he was making improvement? What did they mean saying he was having hallucinations and is now getting better? Why the hell did they imply that Jin wasn't real?

He was real. He was there. Why were they trying to separate them? Why couldn't they let him be happy for once? He wondered how they could think that he was better when he wasn't!

He felt worse, stuck up in here in this empty dark room without his light and life, Jin. He looked around the place, his heart falling at it's quietness and emptiness without Jin's presense.

"Where are you, Jin?" He whispered brokenly to himself, taking a bottle of the new pills he'd been prescribed with and walking into the bathroom, feeling empty and lifeless.

He emptied the bottle in the lavatory pan, flushing the pills down the toilet before returning to his room, setting the blank bottle on the nightstand before lying down on the cold bed, curling up and pulling his knees to his chest.

"I miss you, my moon," he whispered, staring blankly into empty space. "Come back to me, please," he added, his voice pleading.

He reached out to take Jin's diary that was lying nearby in his shaky hands, turning over the pages and stopping where he'd last read.

He knew Jin would come back to him. He just had to be patient and wait. He knew that he'd never leave him behind.

The entry was on "8th August, 2011".

Dear Princess,

I embarrassed myself. Again! I don't know why I'm doing this. Now I wish I could kill myself and bury the body seven feet under the ground. If only I wasn't so handsome.

So... Tae's bullies caught me at last. I was coming back from the school's bathroom two days ago after class when they got me...

I obviously know how to protect myself but how would that be possible when you've got six huge ass guys after you all alone?

I thought I was done for but then Namjoon appeared out of nowhere before I could pass out from all the beatings... it wasn't a really flattering situation but I was okay in the end.

Still, why does Namjoon either have to see me in a broken or crying state? Do you think he thinks of me as a damsel in distress all the time? I don't know even though he said he didn't. I hope he doesn't. I'm not weak!

Anyways, Tae's bullies immediately ran off when they saw Namjoon... his uncle actually has important connections with Bangtan's government or something and if they mess up with him, they knew they were screwed. Personally, I think Namjoon's a really scary persona when pissed.

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