Chapter Forty- Five. I'm Water To Your Fire

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Warnings: swearing, matured language, bullying, homophobia, etc.

It'd been a few weeks since Jin and Namjoon had started dating, and these days were filled with euphoria and warmth in the cold winter that'd finally arrived, it being December.

Now that they finally had no barriers, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. They'd spent long enough waiting and straining themselves from what they did now. That included sharing kisses every chance they got, holding each other lovingly. Not the way they'd done as friends. This was way more intimate. The usual shy glances and knowing smiles remained the same as before.

Even though Yoongi and Jungkook kept complaining about the two being way too lovey-dovey, they did secretly agree with Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung that they deserved the happiness after everything they went through.

Two neglected souls had gotten together to create a new chapter, something completely different from what they'd always gone through before.

Namjoon didn't have parents, and his and Taehyung's samchon never really had much time to spend with them. He'd always wanted to be shown love, a thing Jin was deprived of too. Maybe they were made for each other to create the strong emotion they'd never felt for anyone else.

The haters at school had become less frequent in their paths, so that made things easier. The LGBT+ supporters outnumbered the homophobic people by a large amount, so they didn't have much of a chance to spread hate around. Though they did keep commenting hurtful things and spreading rumors.

But Jin had had enough of the petty fights they picked up, and at one point, he cracked when one of the cheerleaders at school called Jimin 'a whore who was only going out with Yoongi because he was their school's one of the most popular hot guys and a cherished basketball player'.

Jin didn't care about what people said about him behind his back, but he wasn't ever going to let anyone get away with talking rubbish about his dongsaengs on his watch. And that girl pretty much dug up her own grave bullying Jimin right in front of Jin.

Namjoon didn't find out anything about it as he was out in the school field, shedding sweat in the cold afternoon with Yoongi, Jungkook and the rest of the team to warm up with a basketball match. The other four had been sitting at the bleachers, wrapped in scarves and jackets, to watch them, along with a group of drooling girls. So, the four's early leave was understandable.

They weren't long gone and soon Hoseok came back running into the field where the boys were playing, and stopped when he got close, panting.

"Namjoon-ah!" He yelled to catch the mentioned male's attention.

Namjoon was about to pass the ball to Jungkook, but he stopped in his tracks when his name was called, and so did the others, all of their heads turned in Hoseok's direction. He quickly passed the ball to the maknae and jogged up to the older male, a little confused.

"What is it, hyung?" He asked, tilting his head a little as he looked at him, pushing his hair, which was sleek with sweat, back with his hand.

"Go to the lockers' area right now and calm Jin hyung down," Hoseok said urgently, pointing at the entrance.

Namjoon's face went a little pale with worry. "Wait, what happened? Is he okay?" He asked, frowning.

Jungkook and Yoongi came over to see what was going on, and Hoseok looked quite concerned as he said, "Just go, right now. He's this close to killing, judging by how he's right now."

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