Chapter Twenty- Six. My Stalker

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Warnings: swearing, mental illness, mental breakdown, mention of prostitution, physical and mental abuse, mention of blood and death, etc.

"I know it's been hard, and I'll never fully understand how you're feeling. But I want you to be happy, Joon."

The old man said with tears in his eyes as he looked at his oldest nephew. Namjoon just smiled at the CEO, mentally shaking his head because he thought his samchon was being too emotional.

"What are you talking about, samchon?" He said, dimples prominent as he grinned. "I've been the happiest, so stop worrying about me. I don't like to see you cry."

CEO Kim sniffled at this, but tried his best to hold back more tears that were threatening to come. He had to accept the fact that his once lively and all-the-time happy nephew had become this. A mentally ill man who'd suffered from severe mental breakdown.

He remembered Namjoon as a little boy, whose laughter would always echo the lonely mansion they used to live in. As a loud teenager, messing around with his friends but also having a great ambition. As a happy young man who was going to take over his samchon's business and marry his high school sweetheart. And the old man could find no similarity in any of them with this broken adult in front of him, his very same nephew.

He'd been stupid to think that reality would be fair to them the whole time.

The CEO couldn't look at Namjoon's happy smile and the sparkles in his eyes anymore. It tore his heart into pieces because he knew that if Namjoon was in his sane mind, he would've been miserable and broken-hearted. He could never be happy in his right state.

Maybe... maybe it was better to have Namjoon happy in his ill state than have him miserable in his sanity. It'd at least stop the CEO from being crushed no matter how selfish it was.

Then why did it still hurt?

He didn't know. He didn't know.

But he knew for sure that it'd be their last meeting ever. He just knew it.

So the old man stared at his nephew's handsome and angelic face, remembered the time when it was chubbier and more innocent, and tried to be grateful for the happier times, for the last time.

Then he got up, bringing the young man into a tight embrace as he hugged him for the last time, kissing his forehead like it was the last time he'd do it, told him that he'd always love him like his son though he was just his nephew, before turning around and walking out, never turning back again. The old man knew that if he did stop and look back, he'd start to hopelessly hope that everything would be all right. Because he knew that it wouldn't be.

Namjoon just smiled, not having any idea that it was the last time he'd be  seeing this silly old man he called his samchon. In this life.

One of his therapists escorted him back to his room, and he made sure that he was completely alone, and there was nobody outside the door, before turning around to smile widely at his angel in pure happiness.


Jin was kneeling on the floor, arms full with flowers, but he dropped them to immediately get up and let himself be engulfed in a tight embrace, giggling as Namjoon cuddled him, nuzzling his nose at the crook of his neck.

"I love you so much," he mumbled in his deep voice, hugging Jin's fragile figure to his, never getting enough of him.

"I love you too, my koala bear." Jin smiled, his fingers carding through the other's overgrown hair to sooth him.

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