Chapter Eighteen. Fear Of Rejection

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Warnings: swearing, underaged drinking, etc.

Jin was staring out of the window of the room, out into the cloudless indigo sky, his dark eyes wide and rapt with concentration, his lips parted slightly.

The white curtains were drawn away from the window, letting the golden sunlight enter the otherwise dark room, falling onto Jin and lighting up his already glowing face and figure, his thick dark curly hair shining a multicolor shade of brown, golden and red.

Suddenly, arms wrapped around his waist, which made him turn around to see Namjoon looking back at him with tears glistening in his eyes.

"Joonie?" Jin said sadly, as both of them sat down next to each other on the bed, his small hands holding onto Namjoon's larger ones.

Namjoon sniffled, tears finally splashing down his cheeks. Jin immediately reached up and hugged him tightly, getting up on bed to sit on his knees so that the other's head was buried in his chest as his broke down into sobs, head tucked under Jin's chin.

"I-I hate this," Namjoon said barely in a whisper, once he managed to calm down a little, looking up at Jin with puffy eyes. "Why can't they let me be happy for once? I'm happy the way I am here. With you with me."

"I don't want me to be the only reason of your happiness, Joonie," Jin said softly, caressing the other's tear-stained cheeks. "You need to forget me. Learn to be happy without me."

"No!" Namjoon shook his head vigorously, fresh tears running down his face as he pulled Jin as close to him as possible, afraid he'll lose him again if he let go. "I don't want anything, Jinnie. I don't want anything in this life anymore except you! I don't care if it makes me selfish. I-I can't live without you!"

Jin sighed deeply like a parent tired of explaining his child a real fact they refuse to accept. He just sat there motionlesly, rubbing Namjoon's head softly as he sniffled, pouting like a scolded child with tears in his eyes.

"Hobi came to see me today," Namjoon said in a cracked voice. "He's coming back soon. Yoongi and Jimin will come back too. They're gonna take me back to the house."

Namjoon couldn't call it home. Jin was his home.

He looked up at him with pleading and scared eyes. "I don't care where they take me or where they send me. Just... just stay with me."

"Me staying will make you unhappy, Joonie," Jin said in a small voice, his eyes getting teary as well as he looked at him. "You're only twenty-eight, Joonie. You have got your whole life ahead of you... you can't spend it all locking yourself away from everyone and staying with me."

"What if it's my own decision to stick with the second choice?" Namjoon said, now looking firmly at the other. "What if I don't want anything in this life but being with you?"

"Then I have no say to my Joonie's decision," Jin whispered sweetly before leaning up to press his plump lips to Namjoon's. "It's my Joonie's to decide what he wants to do with life. And I'm just the moon, guiding him through the darkness."

Namjoon let out a throaty chuckle, wiping his eyes before pulling the other into a tight hug.

"I love you, my Moon," he whispered, his arms easily going around Jin's small waist as he kept him trapped in them.

He'd do anything to stay like this forever. Hearing Jin speak in his sweet and unearthly voice.

"I love you too, Joonie~"

°°°♡ °°°

Jin's diary entry on 3rd September, 2011...

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