Chapter Twenty-Nine. Namjoon Or RM

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Warnings: swearing, matured language, etc.


Jin began hesitantly, looking over at Namjoon, who he was cuddling with as they watched a movie with the other boys, minus Yoongi, in the dark living room of Namjoon's house.

"Yes, hyung?" Namjoon answered, not looking away from the screen but drawing circles on his hand with a finger.

Jin stared at him longingly, wondering what he could say to explain what he was feeling for the younger.

"I-" he began, but cut himself off before he could end up saying something he never thought about. "Nevermind."

Namjoon hummed, looking down at him softly. "You can tell me if something's bothering you, you know."

Jin nodded, snuggling closer to him under the warm fluffy blanket. "Yeah, but I just forgot what I was about to say," he lied.

Namjoon chuckled, messing his hair with the hand he was using to hold Jin to his side. "It's okay. Take your time."

Jin sighed, staring at the screen in front of them, watching a horror movie with the others, occasionally stuffing their mouths with crackers or cookies.

Jin and Namjoon were on the floor while Taehyung and Jungkook were cuddling on the couch behind them, a terrified Hoseok clinging to the sulking birthday boy Jimin and whimpering beside the couple.

At one point of the movie, a pale bloody hand lunged at the screen, and Jin shrieked, clinging to Namjoon, who cried out only in surprise, but not as loudly as Hoseok, who screamed at the top of his lungs, falling off the couch.

Jimin was too taken aback by his hyungs' reaction to react to the movie scene. However, Jungkook was thoroughly enjoying the movie, giggling like an excited child, while his boyfriend saw staring blankly at the screen, completely indifferent and unaffected.

"You okay?" Namjoon whispered, smiling as he slid his large hand over Jin's waist, rubbing the place to calm him down.

"Y-yeah," Jin answered when he recovered, blushing as he stopped clinging to him.

"I thought you said that you weren't afraid?" Namjoon said with a teasing smirk, remembering Jin challenging him before they started watching the movie, when the younger called him and Hoseok 'cowards'.

Jin just pouted, slapping Namjoon's arm. "Shut up, brat."

Namjoon snickered, and looked around at Jin. He was so close, and those luscious lips were so plump and puckered and red, looking as if wanting to lose their untouched innocence with a kiss... he longed to feel how they were against his own, and the want was so intense that maybe he might've lost himself and lunged for them, pressing his lips to Jin's, kissing him and tasting him, devouring him hungrily, if the doorbell didn't ring right at that moment.

Namjoon released a breath of relief as Jin moved away at the sound, grabbing the remote and pausing the movie, earning a whine from Jungkook and a contented sigh from Hoseok.

"Someone open the door," Jin said, stretching a little, Namjoon trying not to stare at the bare and smooth pale skin as the older's gray top rid up. "Minnie do it."

"Nooooo," Jimin whined, pouting. "Don't wanna. It's my birthday. Leave me alone, hyung."

"For all you know, it could be Yoongi at the door," Hoseok said sweetly, making Jimin's eyes light up.

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