Chapter Forty. One-Sided Love

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Warnings: swearing, homophobia, mental breakdown, etc.

Everyone present gasped as soon as Jin had attached his lips to Namjoon's, Jungkook repeating "Oh my God" over and over again.

The other boys just stared for a moment, speechless, as Namjoon recovered from Jin's sudden action and kissed him back, closing his eyes and pulling him close with his hands on the older's curved hips.

The crowd around finally managed to process the situation and broke into loud cheers, because their 'ship' was finally 'sailing'. Jin's and Namjoon's relationship had been one of the school's juiciest gossips ever since the latter first started flirting with the older in front of the whole school.

Only some looked disgusted or horrified, either because they were homophobic or had a crush on either one of the two boys, but their gasps were outnumbered by the loud screams of happiness of those who thought Namjoon and Jin were meant to be together.

As they kissed, unbothered by the noises around, Yoongi suddenly staggered back, a hand over his mouth and eyes wide as he still tried to register his shock, and his covered mouth was falling open and closing like a fish.

Jungkook was in just the same condition, but he'd gone as still as a statue unlike him, his exclamations having died down and he'd grown silent, jaw dropped to the floor.

As for Jimin and Taehyung, they were hugging each other as they squealed and jumped around in celebration which led many others into doing the same.

Only two people left the place, not being able to take it anymore.

One was the blonde girl who'd said that she was better for Jin than Namjoon, and she now screamed in anger before storming away, nobody bothering to stop her.

The other was Hoseok. Every moment he watched Jin and Namjoon make out, uncaring about the crowd around, was like a million years of brual torture for him. He felt as if sharp knives were being stabbed everywhere and lodging in his body, sending intolerable amount of pain through it, specially in his chest.

A lump at his throat made Hoseok find it hard to breathe and he tore his eyes off of the couple, who now pulled away for oxygen and smiled at each other like the other boy was their whole world. The more he'd watch them, the worse he'd feel. So, it was better to leave before he finally broke down in front of everyone.

"I love you, Joonie!" Jin said loudly for everyone to hear, hugging his boyfriend.

"I love you too, Jinnie!" Namjoon said with the same enthusiasm, both of them laughing at their own antics.

Their confessions made the crowd go wilder with happiness, the ones who weren't liking the matter at all were trying to show their disgust and protests but nobody gave a damn about their opinion.

Jungkook was literally sobbing onto Taehyung's shoulder, and after watching Jin and Namjoon with soft smiles for a moment as they swayed on the spot in a tight embrace, both Yoongi and Jimin slowly turned their heads around to look at each other with love, and leaning in, they shared a sweet little kiss themselves.

However, the couple's confession only made Hoseok feel worse, and not being able to take it anymore, he turned around and pushed through the crowd behind to get away, clenching his teeth together to hold it in. Nobody noticed his departure, all of their eyes being on the school's power couple.

Once away from the crowd, Hoseok ran down the empty hall with his hair flying back because of his speed, clothes swishing back as the sound of his sneakers landing on the floor echoed around. Everyone had left for the lockers' area, which meant that the news had already spread around.

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