Chapter Thirty- Three. While These Moments Last

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Warnings: swearing, matured content, etc.

After the two had finished shopping for clothes, Jin and Namjoon walked out of the shop hand-in-hand while the latter gripped onto large number of shopping bags, chatting away as they strolled through the mall as if nothing had happened back in the trial room moments ago.

Though both of the boys acted like nothing had happened as they laughed at one another's stupid jokes and hilarious stories about their friends, the memory of Namjoon's plush lips on his shoulder lingered in Jin's mind as did the older's smooth and soft skin did in Namjoon's.

They could never forget about it, thus they couldn't deny the fact that Namjoon had finally lost himself to Jin's beauty.

This made Jin bite back a smile, feeling pleased by the fact that he'd Namjoon attracted to him like he did him. And he felt shy too. Every time he thought about it, his heart fluttered and he couldn't help thinking 'Oh my gosh'. Namjoon's lips still ghosted his senses.

Meanwhile, Namjoon's mind was getting dirtier by the moment. He merely began by thinking how soft and warm Jin felt, but then he started wondering how his skin would look marked red and purple by him- his marks on Jin, showing him that he was his- and protectiveness came over him, making him pull his hyung closer to him.

Jin was only his.

If he couldn't mark him as his, nobody else could. Only he got to see him like the way he would be, so wrecked and pleased under him. Panting, moaning, begging, writhing, crying for release. Tears splashing from his beautiful eyes and running down his blood-red cheeks. Only he got to make him feel like that.

He wanted to be the one who'd make him feel loved... Cherished. And the thought that someone else might take Jin away from him was enough to break him apart. Namjoon didn't know what he'd do without this angel to guide him in the darkness of his mind.

'I need you, Jin.' He thought, squeezing Jin's small hand in his as he watched him rant away adorably, and smiled softly though the words he spoke went over his head, being too concentrated on his sweet voice alone.

Suddenly, Jin stopped in his tracks, loosening his grip on Namjoon's hand as he noticed something. The next moment, he let go of the younger's hand and rushed away from him, leaving him bewildered and missing his touch.

Namjoon pouted as he looked where Jin went, and saw him standing in front of a shop holding BT21 merchandise. He couldn't help but chuckle at how the older looked inside with big wistful eyes. He immediately noted that Jin loved plushies.

Strolling over to his side, Namjoon took his hand again as he opened the door to the shop, pulling him inside after him and letting the door slide close behind them.

"Go and get what you like," he told the older, whose eyes sparkled as he ran to a certain shelf.

Jin stopped in front of the big RJ plush that'd caught his attention through the shop window, and then took it off of the shelf, holding it in his arms with a big smile. This was what he wanted.

"You should get this one too," Namjoon's deep voice spoke from behind him, and Jin looked around just to have a smaller Koya plush stuffed into his arms.

"You sure?"

Namjoon nodded bashfully like a teenager having just bumped into his crush. "Yeah... just thought it'd remind you of me when I'm not around..."

Jin smiled but said nothing, even though he thought that Namjoon was really cute when he was shy. He hugged each of the two plushies to his chest in both of his arms, laughing softly.

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