Rules are Rules

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"Yunho," Sue yells, "it's my turn, so you better get your ass back here unless you want me making out with someone else."

I take a deep breath and finish the rest of my beer before begrudgingly sitting beside her as the bottle spins, but when it lands on Mingi, there's a stark mix of laughter and horrified looks amongst the group.

"Go ahead and re-spin," I tell her quietly.

Yeosang shakes his head. "Rules are rules."

Not everyone has learned about Sue and Mingi's family ties, but that's not my business. So as annoyed as I am at Sue for participating in this game, to begin with, the possessive boyfriend card will have to be dealt with now before people start asking questions.

"Best friend or not, touch my girlfriend, and I will lay you out," I tell Mingi before kissing Sue and dragging her from the group to her bedroom. I lower my voice as we walk through the crowded hallway, intent on having only Sue hear. "You're being such a brat lately. Throwing tantrums and kissing other guys."

"A brat?" I can hear the smirk in her voice. "Maybe I just wanted to get your attention."

"Mission accomplished." I lock the door behind us and wrap her legs around my waist to bring her over to the bed. "Are you ready to be good?"


"Well," Wooyoung unsurprisingly breaks the silence once Sue and Yunho are gone, "now Mingi needs a kiss to make it even."

"Or we could just continue--" San interjects, but Wooyoung won't hear of it.

"Nope, the bottle landed on Mingi, so he has to get a kiss," Wooyoung argues. He turns his body to face my dance partner from across the circle. "Better pick some quick, or you're kissing me, big boy."

"Bro," San rolls his eyes and sits back against the cushions, resigned to observing the scene as it unfolds.

I, however, am not given the same option of being a passive bystander when a hand grips my chin and pulls me into a kiss before I can fully recognize what's happening. The lips against mine are soft, familiar, and gentle, contrasting with my tight grip on my waist.

"Oh shit!" Yeosang's voice vaguely registers as the kiss deepens, but I can't focus on anything besides the warm embrace flooding my senses.

Mingi's kiss is more hurried than Seonghwa's but no less intense. Warmth is swirling in my chest as our lips do a dance of their own, and I'm so lost in the movement that I almost forget our surroundings.

"Alright, that's enough," Seonghwa cuts the kiss short with an arm around my waist that pulls me back from Mingi's muscular chest.

Mingi and I look back at each other in surprise, neither of us processing our kiss's abrupt end until his lips press into a thin smirk. "Glad to see our chemistry exists outside of the dance studio."

"She's wasted," Seonghwa snarls, "you're practically taking advantage of her, making out with her like that."

"Stop fighting," I whine, but it falls on deaf ears.

"You'd know, wouldn't you?" Mingi rises to his feet to sneer down at Seonghwa. "How much did you give Yeji noona to drink the night you slept with her?"

Seonghwa stands to match his gaze, his expression filled with unfamiliar darkness. "Seriously? You want to bring her into this right now?"

"No!" Yeosang steps in and pushes them back from each other. "There's no need to bring up old shit that everyone has moved on from."

"Not everyone has moved on," Seonghwa snarls, his eyes never leaving Mingi as he gives him a smirk. "What? Are you still upset that I stole your girl, so now you have to try and steal mine?"

"Seonghwa, stop it." I tug on the leg of his jeans to get his attention. "That's terrible to say."

"Okay, okay," Yeosang places a hand on Mingi's chest to keep him from swinging at Seonghwa.

Wooyoung is close behind him and wraps his arms around Seonghwa to hold him in place. "Hyung, that's enough."

"I'm gonna beat his ass," Seonghwa snaps. 

"No, you're not." I finally find my footing and stand to face the boys. Unfortunately, I stand a bit too quickly and lose my balance, sending me stumbling backward into Mingi. "Maybe we should find a different game to play."

"On second thought, maybe you guys call it a night." Yeosang nods his head towards the door. "Last time these two got this heated, it didn't end well."

"Sounds good to me," Mingi mutters in my ear. "I hate parties anyways."

"Anna," Seonghwa's voice is dark and commanding as he speaks, "come here, please."

"Anna can think for herself," Mingi quips, his hand still resting on my waist.

"I--" I look between the two, unsure of the best action. While both are... enticing, I feel a little too drunk to leave the party with anyone but my roommate. "I think I should find Rose."

"I'll help you find her," Seonghwa offers, and with my roommate nowhere in sight, I'm not in a position to argue.

"I'll walk back with Mingi," Wooyoung announces, "I'm ready to get to sleep anyways."

"I want to know when you get back to your dorm." Mingi reaches for my hand and squeezes it. 

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she's okay," Seonghwa answers for me. Mingi moves to say something else, but Wooyoung manages to guide him out the door before the conversation can escalate again.

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