Not Again

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"Have you heard from Anna?" Lisa asks as she returns to our table with two lattes.

"Nothing yet," I sigh and set my phone back in my pocket. "I shouldn't be worried, right?"

"She left with Seonghwa," Lisa points out. "I'm sure he kept her up late, if you know what I mean."

"You're probably right." I nod and take a sip of my coffee. It's much hotter than I was expecting, and I squeak in pain, which makes Lisa laugh. "Don't laugh at me! I barely slept last night."

"And who just bought you coffee to help combat that?" She reminds me.

"Thank you," I mumble and try to take a smaller sip. "I still can't believe that you had never seen Love Island before."

"Me either! You've got me addicted to it," she laughs. "Between you and me, I'd take a Love Island marathon over another sleepover with Hongjoong."

I suppress my grimace at her statement. "What do you mean?"

"I'm having the same issue that you're having with San," she confesses and leans in closer. "I know he wants to have sex, but I just don't feel it."

"Let's trade boys," I half-joke, even though I'm kind of serious.

"Deal. San is really pretty." Lisa sips her coffee and shrugs. "It's hard to just be upfront with them because we don't want them to get their feelings hurt."

"We're only hurting them more by not being honest," I admit.

"I know," she pouts. "I'm gonna end it today. Better to not string him along, right?"

I sip my coffee to try and hide my excitement, but the fact that Hongjoong is about to be back on the market is going to my head really quickly.

"I'll talk to San too," I decide. I need to just get it out on the open before he gets too attached, but those little kitten eyes of his make it pretty damn difficult.

"Now's your chance," Lisa says just as San comes into the Starbucks...with a girl? "Or you know, maybe not."


"Noona," a voice breaks me of my much needed sleep. "Noona, you're suffocating me."

"Huh?" I grumble as I open one eye.

"Noona," Sunny squeaks, "I love you, but not enough to die."

"I'm sorry!" I quickly climb off of my poor friend who I've been smothering in my sleep.

"Are you hungry? I can make us some pancakes," he offers, and I nod happily.

"You're good at cuddling and you make pancakes. God, you'd make such a good boyfriend," I groan as I follow him into my kitchen.

"I know, right?" He chuckles. "Beomgyu is missing out."

"Why did you have to be gay?" I whine dramatically. My life would be so much easier if I could just marry Sunny and be done.

Sunny rolls his eyes. "Why did you have to have a vagina?"

"Fine," I huff. "I'm just so lazy when it comes to dating. I like for the guy to do the work."

Like clockwork, my phone buzzes on the far side of the counter. Sunny picks it up and smirks when he sees the screen and reads the message aloud. "'Hey EllaJin, it's Chris.'"

My eyes widen when Sunny begins typing. "What are you doing?"

"'Hey what's up?... 'I was going to ask you in person, BUT I'D LIKE TO— HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD NOONA HE'S ASKING YOU OUT!"

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