This Isn't Grey's Anatomy

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"Wang Sue, 19 years old, alcohol poisoning," the triage nurse lists off while I sit there uselessly. The nurse looks at me and frowns. "You found her like this?"

"I bought her the first few drinks, but she seemed fine." I sigh and shake my head. "I went to bathroom and when I came back I couldn't find her. It was maybe another hour until I found her. She was barely responsive to me and I got scared so I brought her here."

"You carried her here?" She asks in surprise and I nod. "Has she done this before?"

"Not to this extent," I answer.

"You did the right thing by bringing her here," the nurse assures me. "We're going to take care of her."

"Can I please stay with her?" I don't want to leave her hear by herself. "Her parents are gone."

"Of course you can," she smiles gently. "I'll be back in a moment to take her up to a room."

The room is silent aside from the ticking clock and Sue's shallow breathing. It devastates me to see her so weak. I'm used to her being so strong and full of life, that to see her like this breaks my heart.

"This sucks," Sue mumbles for the first time since we got here.

"Yeah, it does," I chuckle lightly.

"Nobody wants me," she pouts. "My dad doesn't want me... Seonghwa doesn't want me... I'm just a loser that nobody wants."

I want you

"It's cold in here," she mutters.

"Do you want a blanket?" I offer, but she shakes her head. "Do you want me to cuddle you?"

"Mmhmmm," she nods and attempts to reach for me, but her hand only lifts a few inches before falling back down.

I try to tell myself that it's not a big deal, but I'm practically shaking as I climb onto the exam table and pull Sue into my arms. I can't stop from placing a gentle kiss to her temple, knowing it's probably the only opportunity I'll have. It's not like she'll remember anyway.

"Why couldn't it have been me?" I whisper mostly to myself. "Why couldn't you love me?"


"Mingi, I'm pretty sure that you're not the daughter I'm here for, are you?" The voice chuckles again, and Mingi shakes his head. "Do you mind letting me in then?"

"Uh sure," Mingi mumbles, allowing the mysterious man to finally step inside the room.

He looks younger than I imagined, with soft eyes that I clearly inherited from him and fair skin. He's handsome, if a bit disheveled, but I can't blame him given the early morning hour. "Hi."

"Hi," I say in an equally small voice. I guess I get that from him too.

"I guess you're as surprised by this as I am." He takes one single step closer, both of us seeming to read the other's reaction before proceeding.

"Yeah, kind of," I mumble, unsure of what else to say to this man as the conversation hits another lull.

"Well, you certainly got my outgoing personality," he jokes before taking another step. "I, uh, how are you feeling?"

"I've been better," I joke back and he cracks a smile. "My head hurts, but I guess that happens when you get tossed against a wall."

"I've heard that," he chuckles. "I'm uh... I'm Yoongi."

"I'm Anna," I tell him. "It's nice to meet you."

His eyes fill with tears suddenly, and he turns his face away. "I'm sorry, I'm not a very emotional person normally... it's just... I can't believe I'm meeting you right now."

"What do you mean?" I don't know if I should try and comfort him or what. I look at Mingi and frown. "Can you give us a minute?"

"Yeah, of course." He nods and disappears out the door, as does my nurse.

Yoongi takes a seat beside me. "Your mom... your real mom..."

"I know, she died in labor with me," I say. I can't help but feel guilty seeing this man cry, so I hold out my hand and he takes it in both of his.

"We were going to keep you. We loved you so much, both of us." He gently squeezes my hand and musters a small smile. "I used to tour the world for my job, and I got scheduled for a tour right before you were supposed to be born, but it ended the week before your due date so that I could be home in time. Well, your mom has some complications with her pregnancy and she went into labor while I was in America. I got on the next flight back, but I was still too late."

"I'm so sorry," I whisper, and he wipes his eyes with his sleeve.

"They told me that neither of you survived... I had no idea, I swear. I would have come looking for you so much sooner if I had known." He chokes back a sob, and I grip his hand tighter.

"It's okay," I try to calm him down as best as I can. "It's not your fault. I had a great family in America. I grew up in a loving home and they were so wonderful to me."

"I should have come for you." He wipes more tears away. "I always had this feeling that you weren't really gone."

"You're here now," I tell him. "You were here for me when I needed you. That's enough."

It's quiet for a while, neither of us really knowing what to say to the other. The ticking of the clock is the only sound coming from the otherwise silent hospital room.

"Okay," he smiles again. "Now, please tell me that Song Mingi is not your boyfriend."

"No, he's not," I giggle. "He's just a friend from school."

"Good," he chuckles, "then why is he in here while Seonghwa is passed out in the waiting room?"

"He is?" I look back at him with confusion. "Wait, how do you know Seonghwa and Mingi?"

"Seonghwa is pretty much my adopted son," he tells me. "I was the cool uncle that would buy him and his friends beer."

"You're the Uncle Yoongi that would play Lion King." I remember Seonghwa telling me about the uncle that would always play with him as a child.

"...and Hercules and Little Mermaid and all those other Disney movies that they loved." Yoongi smiles at the memory. "I told you: cool uncle."

"I can see that," I stifle a laugh.

"So... you're 18 now, right?" He asks, and I nod. "So I guess we're past the princess stage already."

I laugh at his awkward attempt at small talk. "How about you tell me about yourself?"

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