Stupid Perfect Smile

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I hear a deep voice call my name, and when I turn around, I see Sunny and his dad walking over to me.

"Uncle Tae!" I run over to them, wrapping my arms around the elder's neck.

"Wow, you never get nearly that excited to see me." Sunny huffs and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I see you every day," I remind him with an eye roll before turning back to his dad. "I'm sorry I haven't been by since I've been back."

"Don't worry, I know you're busy," Uncle Taehyung assures me, "but perhaps you could come by for dinner this Saturday?"

"I'd love to!" I nod despite Sunny groaning next to me.

"Great!" Uncle Tae flashes me his rectangle smile. "I have to teach a class in 10 minutes so I have to run, but I'll see you on Saturday."

"Bye Uncle Tae!" I wave as he disappears into the art building while Sunny shakes his head at me. "What?"

"You wouldn't have agreed to come to dinner if you knew that Wooyoung is coming too," he scoffs, clearly studying my reaction. "Unless you would have...?"

"I—" I look away from him and roll my eyes, "it's complicated..."

"Is that what you told Chris?" He counters. I swear, half the time it feels like he's the older one.

"Me and Chris aren't exclusive," I argue weakly. Truth be told, we haven't really talked about that yet...

"Well, I would have that conversation soon if I were you..."

"There's nothing going on between me and Wooyoung," I insist.

"Is that why I saw you with his tongue down your throat the other day?"

I blanch. "Y-you saw that?"

"You weren't exactly discreet," he counters. "Noona, I love you like my own sister, and I want to see you happy. Just try to see yourself through my eyes, what would you want yourself to do?"

I bite my lip, shaking the memory of Wooyoung's lips away. "That was the last time."

"I have to run to class, but drinks later?" He kisses my cheek without giving me a chance to answer and leaving me alone with my thoughts.

As I walk toward the business school, I spot a soccer game on the field across the street. Chris and his friends are out there again, and luckily for me, he's on the skins team again.

Are you really going to take the long route to get to class just so you can stare at him?

Fuck yeah, I am

I cross the street, deciding to walk around the field to get the business school so I can get a better look. Chris is running the ball down towards the goal, scoring effortlessly and throwing his arms up in victory, and damn does he look good doing it.

So what if he's still younger than you? Two years is way better than four- don't compare him to Wooyoung...

As if summoned by the devil himself, one of the boys on his team turns around gives him a high five, making me regret my plan to come closer to the field. And of course, that's the moment I get spotted.

"Hey EJ!" Felix's deep voice booms across the field and brings the rest of their attention to me.

I force a smile and wave. "Hey guys!"

Chris perks up like a puppy when he spots me and rushes over, picking me up and spinning me around. "Did you see me make that goal?"

"Yes, I did." I blush, feeling the muscles of his chest and shoulders flexing underneath me. If I had known I'd be touching a shirtless Chris this early into the afternoon, I would've mentally prepared myself.

He smiles and sets me back on the ground, and my gaze stupidly drifts to Wooyoung with Felix and a boy I don't recognize. And of course, they all start walking over.


"Hyung plays a good game," the new boy says, smiling shyly. "You must be Ellajin noona. I hear a lot about you."

Felix chuckles and puts his arm around the former. "EJ noona, this is my boyfriend, Changbin. He's taking your class next semester but he's not the most outgoing type, so go easy on him."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Changbin." I smile at him and look at Chris in surprise, trying my best to ignore the way Wooyoung is ignoring me. "A lot about me, huh?"

"Aish, he's exaggerating..." he blushes and turns to the one person I'd like to not interact with. "You know Wooyoung, right?"

I try to channel my uncle Jin and act as though Wooyoung is no one important to me. "Yeah, our parents are friends."

Wooyoung looks back at me with indifference, bowing respectfully for what might be the first time since we were kids. "Hello noona."


"Good to see you, Wooyoung." I nod back, looking to Chris with my best puppy eyes. "Walk me to class?"

A pleased smile splits his face. "I'd be happy to."

He gathers his things into a bag, drying himself with a small towel and (sadly) putting his tee-shirt back on.

He laces our fingers together and waves to his friends. "Catch you guys back at the dorm."

They all ramble off goodbyes as we walk towards my class, and I can feel Wooyoung's eyes on us the whole way.

Not that I care...

Chris chuckles. "You better watch out, I think Wooyoung has a little crush on you."

My eyes widen in surprise. "What makes you say that?"

"Poor kid couldn't stop staring at you," he replies, placing a soft peck on my cheek. "I'll have to keep my eye on that one and make sure he doesn't try to steal my girl."

"Your girl?" I ask to distract him, although I am a little curious about how he'll answer.

"Aren't you?" He looks down at our intertwined hands and then back up at me. "I don't normally hold hands with random girls."

"Fair point," I reply, blaming my father for giving me genes to blush so easily. "So then we're dating?"

He smirks. "I take you on dates, walk you to class, introduce you to my friends... that sounds like dating to me."

I nod and kiss his cheek, a surge of giddiness flooding through me as we get to the building. "Well, this is my stop."

Chris follows me up the steps, pulling the door open for me before I can reach it myself. "See you later?"

"I'll text you when my classes end," I promise him, very much aware of how close he's leaning into me.

"See you then, babygirl." He leans in and places a teasing kiss on my lips, pulling away when I chase his lips for more and just winking. "Don't be late for class."

"You're a tease," I huff as I head inside, making a beeline for the bathroom to apply more foundation so no one can see how much I'm blushing. "Stupid Chris and his stupid perfect smile."

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