It's Called 'Making Out'

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As soon as I open my eyes, I'm greeted by warm light spilling through linen curtains and an equally warm smile from Seonghwa.

"Good morning," I whisper hoarsely, my voice not quite awake yet.

"Good morning," he replies quietly. A comforting silence surrounds us, pausing time as we lay together in the serenity of the morning.

"MOM, TAEHYUN WON'T SHUT UP!" Soobin's voice echoes from downstairs and shatters the fleeting peace in the house.

"HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" Taehyun screams back, and I laugh.

"So much for a lovely morning together," Seonghwa grumbles cutely.

"DON'T MAKE ME USE THE WOODEN SPOON AGAIN!!!!" His dad's voice screeches over the young boys' ending the screaming instantly.

"Wooden spoon?" I cock an eyebrow at Seonghwa, who looks suddenly nervous.

"It's the scariest object known to man when in my father's possession," he warns me. "My family is a little strange if you haven't already figured that out by now."

"Be nice," I playfully warm him.

"I'll be much nicer once I've had some breakfast," he promises. "Come on, I smell bacon."


Come on San, you can do this... Just knock on the door

I take a deep breath for the hundredth time since I've shown up at her door and hope that this time, it'll actually calm my nerves enough to face Rose.

Somehow, my fist makes contact with the wood, the sound resonating in my ears to alert me that it is most certainly too late to turn back now. A few seconds later, the knob turns and Rose is standing in front of me with her adorable pink hair in a ball on top of her head.

"Hey San," she says softly, her usual sweet smile assuring me that she's not mad about last night.

"Hey Rosie." I flash her a dimpled smile, but she just kind of stands there. "Mind if I come in?"

"Sure," she leads me inside and plots down at the end of her bed, "what's up?"

"I, um, about last night..."

"San, it's okay." She pats the spot on the bed next to her.

"Are you... did I make you uncomfortable?" I stutter out.

She sighs and scoots closer, wrapping her arms around me into a hug. "Not at all... I just felt bad that you got embarrassed because of me."

"I wasn't sure how you were going to react," I admit. "You were my first friend in college, and I thought I ruined it."

I know she doesn't remember kissing me at the party on Friday, so I need to just forget it ever happened. Even though I'm pretty sure that the feeling of her lips on my skin is permanently burned into my memory.

"You didn't ruin anything." She giggles a little. "If anything, I'm flattered."

I could explode from happiness right now, but San junior keeps interrupting my thoughts. "Do you want to practice lines for Legally Blonde for a while?"

"Yeah!" She pulls away and grabs her script, bouncing on her heels and pretty much shining with the light of the sun. "What scene do you—"

Before either of us can process it, I have my arms around her waist and my lips on hers.

Don't panic don't panic don't panic don't panic

The slight tilt of her head makes it much easier to kiss her, and I take the opportunity to pull her closer. Her shoulders relax after a moment, which excites me to no end. I definitely didn't plan on doing this when I came by, but now I'm so glad that I did.

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