Second Impressions

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I had no idea how close Yoongi and Seonghwa were until I was sitting at the dinner table in the private room of one of the nicest restaurants in Seoul, barely getting a word in as the two of them chatted away. Kihyun winks over at me and leans over to whisper, "so have you two made up or have you taken up acting?"

I'm surprised by his question, seeing how he and Yoongi were supposed to be under the impression that me and Seonghwa were dating. "I don't know what you mean."

"Oh please, Anna, you're just like my niece. Every time Seonghwa would come up, you found a way to change the subject." He chuckles quietly and glances at his boyfriend and my fake one. "I know he has a history, but I've seen him grow and mature. Give him another chance."

"What are you girls gossiping about over there?" Yoongi jokes across from me.

"The size of your dick," Kihyun quickly fires back.

"You didn't find it so funny—"

"Friendly reminder that your daughter is literally sitting here," I interject before he can finish his sentence. The boys all laugh at my expense while my ears burn bright red.

"Sorry, my love, I'm still getting used to having my own daughter around," Yoongi chuckles softly and reaches across the table for my hand. "But it's a welcome change. This is the best birthday ever just by having you here."

"I'm glad I get to be here tonight." I squeeze his hand and smile back, mentally aware that his birthday is about to get so much better.

"Happy birthday, honey," Kihyun gently kisses his cheek and gives me a playful scowl. "Are you going to leave Seonghwa alone then?"

"Oh," I look over at Seonghwa with a hand outstretched to me and a timid smile. He looks calm but apprehensive, which matches how I'm feeling right now.

I slowly pull my hand from Yoongi and extend it to Seonghwa, who gently takes it and presses a soft kiss to the knuckles. He leans a bit closer, leaving us in our own conversation while Kihyun and Yoongi dote on and tease each other.

"I never got a chance to apologize for what happened that night. I shouldn't have let you go. Everything happened so fast and I still feel terrible that something happened to you when you were with me." Seonghwa looks right into my eyes as he speaks, and I can hear the sincerity in his words.

"It's okay," I assure him. "It was kind of dumb of me to run off at night by myself like that."

I look over at Yoongi and smile to myself "But I'm glad it happened because I found Yoongi."

"I am too," Seonghwa smiles softly. "He would never say it, but I could tell that he was sad to not have you when me and my friends were growing up."

"We even discussed adoption," Kihyun adds, "but your dad couldn't go through with it. Nothing could replace his Jieun."

I stop when he says that and look at Yoongi with round eyes. "Jieun?... is that my birth name?"

He nods with a soft smile. "Your mom and I picked it the day we found out that we were having a girl."

"It's pretty," Seonghwa adds.

Our server arrives with our food, including the biggest steak I have ever seen for Seonghwa, and sets it out, which is followed by a hunger driven silence as we eat.

"Here," Seonghwa offers me a piece of steak to try. "You've got to try this. It's the best steak I've ever had."

"Thank you" I open my mouth to accept it and wow he's definitely right. I offer a bite of my pasta in return and can't stop myself from giggling as he eats.

"What?" He asks with wide eyes and a bit of sauce on his lip.

"You uh," I reach up and swipe the sauce away with my thumb, but the softness of his lips distracts me " had sauce."

"Thanks," he smiles softly and doesn't move his gaze from me.

"Get a room," Kihyun jokes, which earns his a smack on the back of the head from Yoongi.

"That's my baby girl," he reminds him with a pout.

"Aish, sorry honey," Kihyun snickers and winks at me. "She's not a baby anymore though."

"I know," Yoongi argues, "but she will always be my baby."

"We have all the time in the world to get to know her now," Kihyun assures him.

I share a look with him and begin to set our plan for Yoongi's proposal into motion. I pick up my phone and pretend to get a text from Rose. "Oh no, Rose locked herself out of the dorm again. I'm going to have to go back and let her in."

"I can drive you," Seonghwa offers right on cue, pulling out his keys. "It's only 10 minutes away. We'll be back soon."

"What?" Yoongi stands up and takes my hand to stop me. "Where are you going? Can't you send your key with someone?"

I feel bad for making him think I would abandon him on his birthday, but it's just part of our plan. "I'm sorry, Yoongi. I'll be back soon."

He can't hide the disappointment on his face, but he manages a small smile. "Drive carefully please."

I nod. "Promise."

I'm about to pull myself away when he pulls me closer and kisses my forehead. "Okay, you can go now."

I kiss his cheek before following Seonghwa out of the private room and into the main dining area that Seonghwa's dad somehow managed to decorate like the most elaborate party I've ever seen.

"Nice work, guys!" Jin tells us once we join him and the rest of the 'uncles', as I've been instructed to call them.

A man with deep dimples that resemble EllaJin's comes over to us and wraps Seonghwa in his arms. "Thank you for your help, Mars."

He turns to me and bows politely, but his kind eyes regard me like his own child. "Sweet Jieun, I'm so glad to finally meet you."

"Her name is Anna, Uncle Joon," Seonghwa corrects him gently.

"It's okay, I like the name Jieun," I promise. "My adoptive parents didn't give me a Korean name."

"Well, Anna, Jieun, no matter what name, I can't tell you how happy you've made your father." The man says in a warm, deep voice.

"Anna, this is Uncle Namjoon. He's the president of our university," Seonghwa tells me, and my jaw drops in shock.

"I—wow, it's an honor to meet you, sir." I suddenly feel nervous, but his warm chuckle eases my nerves.

"Uncle, please, and the pleasure is all mine." He smiles and looks over his shoulder as the music begins to play. "Well, enjoy the party and take care of my mischief maker of a godson. I'm supposed to be the sober monitor this evening, so wish me luck."

He disappears over to 'Uncle Hobi' just as the music shifts to a slower song, and when I turn my head, Seonghwa is gently offering me his hand. "May I have this dance?"

"You may," I take his hand and follow him to the dance floor, finding EllaJin already dancing with some cute blonde guy that is definitely not Wooyoung. "What's the story there?"

"That's Noona's new boyfriend, Chris." He nods in Wooyoung's direction, who is sitting off to the side and watching them with a scowl. "Woo is pissed because he's a really cool guy, so he can't really hate him."

"Oh the drama," I tease and he chuckles.

"Not everyone gets as lucky as I did with you." He winks and places a light hand on my waist, and I find myself floating off in a daydream even as everyone else erupts into cheers when Yoongi and Kihyun come into the room.

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