Dear Dream #2

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Laskar, can I tell you something, I think someone is following me. GUE TAKUT BANGET. Oke sebelum aku cerita aku mau cerita something dulu. I want to tell you that I finally opened a flower shop! Masih inget gak kita dulu selalu duduk di ladang bunga deket rumah mu? You told me, you really love flowers. So, I dedicated this place to you. It's crazy ya, even Irena told me that I should let you go, bukan tambah buka toko bunga. Wkwkwk, I know, it's crazy, tapi I can't let you go somehow. Gue gatau mau bergantung sama siapa lagi Las...

I thought that if I opened the place, your memories will be able to be relived in this room. Gue, masih mau mengingat lo Las, I really do. Tapi I need to tell you the reason why I wrote this message. About a week ago, After opening, ada orang yang dateng ke toko malem-malem after soft opening. Lucunya biasanya orang itu bawa bingkisan atau gimana kek, orangnya bawa sepatu flatshoes Las. Orang tersebut pakai hoodie hitam, and I can see some black hair tapi gak jelas itu siapa, but do you know what makes me scared? Aku ngeliat tatapannya Las, and somehow it reminds me of you. It scares me how someone's stare could be the same as yours but felt different in the same time.

Aku hampir aja Las, kaget kayak lihat hantu sebelum orang itu ngomong kalau diam merasa sayang kalo toko bungaku harus tutup, there I know that single hope that it was you was gone. Lo gak bakalan ngelarang gue kayak gitu. You were different. Sorry, I thought you were him. He was wearing a mask and I feel into his eyes.

Tapi itu gak seaneh itu Las, Do you know why I thought it was you for a second? Nobody knows my shoe size except for mom, dad, my brothers, Irena and you. I asked everyone and they had never asked anyone untuk ambilin aku sepatu with my size. You know how special, my shoe size it, how can someone know that right shoes? Wkwkw aku pikir aku yang gila Las, to have a thought that it might be you.

But selain itu, everything is doing great, I'm trying to move on. I'm trying, somehow deep down in my heart. Aku harus melanjutkan hidup ini, gimana pun caranya. Tapi doain aku bisa bertahan ya Las, you were my strength. Sekarang I don't know who to hold on to, but I will try. 

Langit Samudra | Lee Jeno lokal auTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang